It has definitely been a full and productive weekend! Let's start with my "I'm an idiot" part first. For those who do not know I work for a photography company and I travel to various churches and handle the sales part of everything. I have about five bags of supplies that I have to carry with me all the time. This past Saturday, I worked at a church in Chattanooga. In order to get there in time, I needed to leave my house at 6:30am, which I did. I had to rent a car for the weekend and they gave me a HHR, which I have to say that I am not a big fan of but it served its purpose. I drove the 2 hours it takes to get there and was enjoying my morning ride - the weather was nice and great songs were playing on the radio. When I arrived at the church, I went to unload everything out of my car and when I opened the back door I saw absolutely nothing! And then it hit me - because I had a rental car I had put all of my work bags in my garage and somehow I had walked right past them and drove all the way to Chattanooga without my much needed supplies! I felt like a complete idiot and just kept saying, "Kevin, how stupid can you be?!" Well, my saving grace was that I did have a couple of things that were essential to my sales and I was able to make do with that. It ended up being a good day, but I still could not believe that I drove all the way there - singing and having a good time - while my work supplies sat at home. That was a lesson in staying focused, staying present, and well... just not being stupid.
Yesterday was a better day! Church was really good. The pastor is continuing his series on, Anything But Ordinary, and yesterday he spoke on showing mercy. One thing that stuck out to me was the fact that many times we do not show mercy to others because we feel the need to control and manipulate them. I may or may not be guilty of this at times but the truth is - none of us are perfect and we are all in need of mercy. If we want to receive mercy, then we should show mercy. It was a really great message and as always, that hour is one of the highlights of my week. After church it was finally time to make some more progress on my courtyard in the back. This was a project I started last summer and I am determined to complete it this summer. Four bushes have now been planted and I know that does not seem like a lot, but it was - and there were two of us working on it! I would say that sweat, exhaustion, and the need for water means that we worked very hard, right? Small steps at a time, it will be completed and finally look like a real courtyard instead of just a pile of dirt and rocks.
Finally, the new word I learned yesterday was chutney. The recipe for dinner last night called for chutney and I had no idea what it was. So as we went shopping at Publix (my favorite grocery store by the way), we searched high and low for this mystery product and with the help of one of the workers we found it and it was really good in the chicken! And for anyone that does not know what it is - chutney is a relish, kind of jelly like substance. This particular kind had a mango base to it and it added a lot of flavor to the chicken - I recommend it!
Two final thoughts: There are nine days left in this extreme healthy eating month! I am definitely enjoying being more conscious of what I eat, exercising self-discipline, and knowing that my body is being filled with good things. I also am very much looking forward to June 1st when chocolate and chips & salsa will be a part of my day! My last comment is a sad one. There are only three more Oprah shows left. We all know how much of a fan I am of Oprah's show and I am a little concerned about how my state of mind will be on Wednesday of this week. I am working that day, so I will have to wait until that night to watch her final show - but I am warning you now, it will not be a pretty sight around my house. I will probably write more about that on Thursday :)
Today I am grateful for: 1. Making things work despite my forgetfulness. 2. Great service at church and being reminded to show mercy to others. 3. Making progress on the courtyard 4. Really good dinner last night 5. A full and productive weekend
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