As of right now, there are 15.5 hours until the extreme healthy eating ends and some of the things that were given up will slowly make their way back into my life. I say "some" because I really hope to continue giving up things such as fast food and fried foods because we all know it is just bad for our bodies! However, chocolate is the most important "piece of perfection" that I have missed the most. So the plan is to stay up until midnight tonight and partake of chocolate truffles from Godiva as a reward! I can hardly wait! Tomorrow night, Mexican food will be the highlight of the day and you can bet that you will see some smiling faces at El Sombrero as we deplete their stock of chips and salsa!
Thirty-one days has been the longest I have gone without eating some of my favorite food items but I will say that it has been a great challenge for me and I am really glad that I did it. It was a lesson in self-control, a challenge for myself, and a way to clean out my body of "not so good things" and fill it up with "really good things." I did lose 10 pounds in the process - which was not my intention - but I am pretty sure I will gain part of that back pretty quickly, possibly by tomorrow night. This was not easy at times, but the goal was accomplished and my intention was achieved. I really like the concept of "giving up something in hope of something better to come."
Church this past Sunday was great! There were two songs that we sang that really stuck out for me. The first one was How He Loves Us. Every time I hear that song, I am reminded of the depth of God's love and how He is the only one who loves us unconditionally. And we are His portion and He is our prize; drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes. If His grace is an ocean we're all sinking. And Heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss; and my heart turns violently inside of my chest. I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way He loves us. If you haven't heard this song, look it up on iTunes. It is definitely one of my favorites.
The other song that really impacted me was the last song we sang. It is called Reign in Us and I wanted to write out part of the words here and hopefully you will look it up as well. You thought of us before the world began to breathe. You knew our names before we came to be. You saw the very day we'd fall away from You. And how desperately we need to be redeemed. Lord Jesus come lead us. We're desperate for Your touch. There is much more to the song but as I sat there listening to the words, I was once again blown away with the power of God's love and how grateful I truly am of all the things He has done in my life and will continue to do.
The pastor spoke on being a peacemaker in a continuing series called, Anything But Ordinary. As with most weeks, I learned a lot about what this scripture means and how it relates to my life and what I need to work on. The main points were that those who are peacemakers are 1. Ruthlessly committed to truth telling. 2. They are humble enough to pray for their enemies. 3. They pursue reconciliation at the risk of their own comfort. 4. Peacemaking isn't the same as peace achieving. One thing he said that I really knew to be true was that many times we will withhold the truth from someone in hopes that it will keep peace between us when in actuality it creates distance and frustration. As hard as it is sometimes, it is better to be honest with someone and work through that rather than choosing to hide the truth. In talking about it and confronting the issues, peace will come - or will eventually come in one way or another. I admit that I am not at the top of the list when it comes to being a peacemaker. I can be when I want to be, but it just does not always come natural to me. My sister, Christy, is a natural peacemaker so look to her for an example of how to do this. My other sister, Cara, well she and I have similar personalities when it comes to this characteristic so we will continue to work on improving ourselves in this area:)
My encouragement today would be to listen to those songs when you get a chance and the next time you are put into a situation where you want to seek revenge, try to make peace instead. The outcome is always better and it helps us to live the better life we are striving for. I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend and looking forward to a really great week!
Today I am grateful for: 1. A very fun, productive weekend 2. Church on Sunday - learning and reflecting 3. The power of songs 4. Completing the extreme healthy eating challenge 5. Only hours left until chocolate will be back in my life!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Meant for More....
Yesterday was a really good day. I began my day with a meaningful focus time. I sat on my front porch and read scripture from Acts and spent some time in prayer and meditation. Instead of asking God for this and that and presenting my problems I chose to just focus on what I was grateful for. I thanked Him for all that He has done in my life and all that He will continue to do. One of my favorite scriptures came to mind - For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you; to give you a hope and a future. I have claimed that verse many times in my life and have seen it proven over and over again. There is something about being outside and spending a focused amount of time alone that really starts your day off right. In those moments, there was a quietness in my soul as well as a strong motivation to be open to the possibilities.
I love the life that I have been given and could write pages and pages about the amazing experiences I have had so far and the incredible people that are in my life. However, I strongly believe that my life is meant for much more. I desire to be used to really make a big difference in the world and some days I feel like I am standing on the edge of seeing that happen. Yes, part of this comes from watching Oprah's final show the other day. She allowed herself to be open to the possibilities and look at how she has made an impact around the world! It takes a lot of hard work and a strong vision for what is to come. The best part of that to me is that we can really only plan so much when it comes to our life. As we leave room for possibilities and allow things to happen organically, our journey can take us to places we never thought would happen. We all have our place in the world and we are not all called to make an "Oprah impact" but I do believe that my calling in life is meant for more than what I am doing now. It does cause a restlessness inside me but also a strong motivation to keep going. What I have been reminded of the last couple of mornings is that I do not want to waste any more time or just keep talking about making a difference. Each and every day I should put action to those desires. My goal today is to spend a lot of time working on my new book. I just want to sit down and start writing and see where it takes me. I do believe that writing this book is the next step in my journey.
One thing I do know is that each of us have a purpose in life and when we realize what that is, we can experience a deeper, more meaningful life. No one should settle for anything less.
Today I am grateful for: 1. A great focus time this morning 2. Running 3 miles yesterday 3. A productive day off 4. Being more focused on my calling in life 5. The chance to work on my book today
I love the life that I have been given and could write pages and pages about the amazing experiences I have had so far and the incredible people that are in my life. However, I strongly believe that my life is meant for much more. I desire to be used to really make a big difference in the world and some days I feel like I am standing on the edge of seeing that happen. Yes, part of this comes from watching Oprah's final show the other day. She allowed herself to be open to the possibilities and look at how she has made an impact around the world! It takes a lot of hard work and a strong vision for what is to come. The best part of that to me is that we can really only plan so much when it comes to our life. As we leave room for possibilities and allow things to happen organically, our journey can take us to places we never thought would happen. We all have our place in the world and we are not all called to make an "Oprah impact" but I do believe that my calling in life is meant for more than what I am doing now. It does cause a restlessness inside me but also a strong motivation to keep going. What I have been reminded of the last couple of mornings is that I do not want to waste any more time or just keep talking about making a difference. Each and every day I should put action to those desires. My goal today is to spend a lot of time working on my new book. I just want to sit down and start writing and see where it takes me. I do believe that writing this book is the next step in my journey.
One thing I do know is that each of us have a purpose in life and when we realize what that is, we can experience a deeper, more meaningful life. No one should settle for anything less.
Today I am grateful for: 1. A great focus time this morning 2. Running 3 miles yesterday 3. A productive day off 4. Being more focused on my calling in life 5. The chance to work on my book today
Thursday, May 26, 2011
A Perfect Ending to the Oprah Show...
So I sat down last night ready to watch the very last Oprah show. I wondered how she would end 25 years of her talk show and how she would wrap up all that has been done in the 4,561 shows (of which I have seen almost every one - I was 10 years old when it started so I may have missed a few of the early shows). I have to say that the last show could not have been more perfect and fitting. It was simply her and the audience and she spoke of what the show has meant for her and the gratitude that she feels for all that have been a part of her journey. I did good watching it and not getting emotional until the last 5 minutes of the show - and then yes, I went into "the ugly cry" and had to take a few moments for myself.
I do want to explain that although some of my friends would disagree - I am not obsessed with Oprah, I do not idolize her, nor do I think that she is some superhuman that we should bow down to. Yes, I am a big fan and have pretty much seen every show she has done but what I believe in is how she has used her life to truly make a difference in the world. I do not know of any other human being in my lifetime that has used their life to its fullest potential more than Oprah. It shows the depth of influence and impact that one person can make. At the heart of who she is, there is love for people, a heart of gratitude, and a sincere desire to be of service in the world. I have such respect for that. That motivates me, it inspires me, it challenges me, it encourages me that what we can experience here on Earth is limitless when we are open to the possibility. We all have people in our life that are inspirations and that without them, our lives would be different. I can say that Oprah is one of those people for me. I know that some of you feel very differently and that is OK. We all are entitled to our opinion and it really makes no difference to me how you feel about her. I am just saying what I have gotten from watching her show and since this is my blog, I am entitled to voice my opinion :)
I did want to point out just a few things that really struck me while watching the final show:
Everybody has a calling, and your real job in life is to figure out what that is and get about the business of doing it. That is what a calling is. It lights you up and lets you know that you are exactly where you're supposed to be doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing. This resonates with me so much and I completely agree with it. There have been times in my life that I knew that I was doing what I was called to do. In those moments it all felt clear and right. My prayer is that my life will line up even more with what my calling is and that I will not waste any more time pursuing anything else. The great thing to me is that no one's calling is more important than the other. We all have our role in the world and we need to pursue it with excellence.
In every way, in every day, you are showing people exactly who you are. You're letting your life speak for you. And when you do that, you will receive in direct proportion to how you give in whatever platform you have. What is my life telling other people about who I really am? Whether it is a brief encounter with a stranger, or hours spent with a good friend of family member - how we conduct ourselves really tells the truth of who we are. We never know how much of an impact we make on others and so we should live our lives in truth and with purpose. And yes I agree that what you put out into the world will come back to you many times over.
My great wish for all of you who have allowed me to honor my calling through this show is that you carry whatever you're supposed to be doing, carry that forward and don't waste any more time. Start embracing the life that is calling you and use your life to serve the world. Don't waste any more time! How often do we let a day go by without making some kind of difference in the world? It might be a small gesture or something big but I truly believe that every night when we go to bed, we should know that in some way we brought more good into the world and that through our lives - God is glorified.
Yes I am going to miss watching The Oprah Show everyday. I know that she has her own network now, but it will not be the same. How many times have I said, Did you watch Oprah today? I am sure that some of my friends will be glad to know that an "Oprah show moment" will not make it into most conversations that we have now, but I am sure I will find some way to keep it going! I have heard her say many times that God can dream a bigger dream for us than we could ever dream for ourselves. There is definite truth in that and my hope is that I will fulfill my calling in life and know that I have made a real difference in the world.
Today I am grateful for: 1. Starting my day off with a great focus time 2. The possibility of a solution 3. Help from a good friend 4. A day off to be productive 5. What the Oprah show has meant to me
I do want to explain that although some of my friends would disagree - I am not obsessed with Oprah, I do not idolize her, nor do I think that she is some superhuman that we should bow down to. Yes, I am a big fan and have pretty much seen every show she has done but what I believe in is how she has used her life to truly make a difference in the world. I do not know of any other human being in my lifetime that has used their life to its fullest potential more than Oprah. It shows the depth of influence and impact that one person can make. At the heart of who she is, there is love for people, a heart of gratitude, and a sincere desire to be of service in the world. I have such respect for that. That motivates me, it inspires me, it challenges me, it encourages me that what we can experience here on Earth is limitless when we are open to the possibility. We all have people in our life that are inspirations and that without them, our lives would be different. I can say that Oprah is one of those people for me. I know that some of you feel very differently and that is OK. We all are entitled to our opinion and it really makes no difference to me how you feel about her. I am just saying what I have gotten from watching her show and since this is my blog, I am entitled to voice my opinion :)
I did want to point out just a few things that really struck me while watching the final show:
Everybody has a calling, and your real job in life is to figure out what that is and get about the business of doing it. That is what a calling is. It lights you up and lets you know that you are exactly where you're supposed to be doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing. This resonates with me so much and I completely agree with it. There have been times in my life that I knew that I was doing what I was called to do. In those moments it all felt clear and right. My prayer is that my life will line up even more with what my calling is and that I will not waste any more time pursuing anything else. The great thing to me is that no one's calling is more important than the other. We all have our role in the world and we need to pursue it with excellence.
In every way, in every day, you are showing people exactly who you are. You're letting your life speak for you. And when you do that, you will receive in direct proportion to how you give in whatever platform you have. What is my life telling other people about who I really am? Whether it is a brief encounter with a stranger, or hours spent with a good friend of family member - how we conduct ourselves really tells the truth of who we are. We never know how much of an impact we make on others and so we should live our lives in truth and with purpose. And yes I agree that what you put out into the world will come back to you many times over.
My great wish for all of you who have allowed me to honor my calling through this show is that you carry whatever you're supposed to be doing, carry that forward and don't waste any more time. Start embracing the life that is calling you and use your life to serve the world. Don't waste any more time! How often do we let a day go by without making some kind of difference in the world? It might be a small gesture or something big but I truly believe that every night when we go to bed, we should know that in some way we brought more good into the world and that through our lives - God is glorified.
Yes I am going to miss watching The Oprah Show everyday. I know that she has her own network now, but it will not be the same. How many times have I said, Did you watch Oprah today? I am sure that some of my friends will be glad to know that an "Oprah show moment" will not make it into most conversations that we have now, but I am sure I will find some way to keep it going! I have heard her say many times that God can dream a bigger dream for us than we could ever dream for ourselves. There is definite truth in that and my hope is that I will fulfill my calling in life and know that I have made a real difference in the world.
Today I am grateful for: 1. Starting my day off with a great focus time 2. The possibility of a solution 3. Help from a good friend 4. A day off to be productive 5. What the Oprah show has meant to me
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Life is about Perspective - and mine has been a little off track...
I made a commitment to be honest and vulnerable in my writings and I want to admit that I have felt a little off recently. I strive to live my life every day with a driven purpose to succeed and make the most of that day. I let myself get distracted and have felt like I was not quite "in the zone." There are a few factors that could have contributed to this. It could be that I have not been running or exercising like I should. It could be that I have not started my day with a focus time in quite awhile. It could be that I have let petty circumstances rule my thoughts instead of remembering the bigger picture. At times I have let worry get the best of me instead of trusting in the answer. Maybe the fact that I have been off chocolate and Mexican food (and all things unhealthy) for almost a month has something to do with it. It also could be that the Oprah show is ending today and it is really affecting me... seriously, I am not looking forward to it! Even as I write all of this down I can see how off track I have really let myself get - I kinda want to slap myself actually. But I guess it is true what they say - the first step is admitting that you have a problem. So in front of all of my blog readers (the thousands... well hundreds.. well...) I will admit that I need to get back on track and get back to the kind of life I was meant to live!
So I will get back to a more productive, more focused morning routine. I will spend less time worrying and more time finding solutions. I will also focus on what is good in my life and remembering how grateful I truly am for the life I get to live each day. I also think that getting chocolate and Mexican food back into my life next week will help too :)
Today I am grateful for: 1. Learning life as I go 2. Motivation to do better 3. Pics of Martha Ann & Wylie that made my day yesterday 4. A good work day 5. Hopefully getting through the last Oprah show today
So I will get back to a more productive, more focused morning routine. I will spend less time worrying and more time finding solutions. I will also focus on what is good in my life and remembering how grateful I truly am for the life I get to live each day. I also think that getting chocolate and Mexican food back into my life next week will help too :)
Today I am grateful for: 1. Learning life as I go 2. Motivation to do better 3. Pics of Martha Ann & Wylie that made my day yesterday 4. A good work day 5. Hopefully getting through the last Oprah show today
Monday, May 23, 2011
Making progress, a little stupidity, and a new word = a great weekend!
It has definitely been a full and productive weekend! Let's start with my "I'm an idiot" part first. For those who do not know I work for a photography company and I travel to various churches and handle the sales part of everything. I have about five bags of supplies that I have to carry with me all the time. This past Saturday, I worked at a church in Chattanooga. In order to get there in time, I needed to leave my house at 6:30am, which I did. I had to rent a car for the weekend and they gave me a HHR, which I have to say that I am not a big fan of but it served its purpose. I drove the 2 hours it takes to get there and was enjoying my morning ride - the weather was nice and great songs were playing on the radio. When I arrived at the church, I went to unload everything out of my car and when I opened the back door I saw absolutely nothing! And then it hit me - because I had a rental car I had put all of my work bags in my garage and somehow I had walked right past them and drove all the way to Chattanooga without my much needed supplies! I felt like a complete idiot and just kept saying, "Kevin, how stupid can you be?!" Well, my saving grace was that I did have a couple of things that were essential to my sales and I was able to make do with that. It ended up being a good day, but I still could not believe that I drove all the way there - singing and having a good time - while my work supplies sat at home. That was a lesson in staying focused, staying present, and well... just not being stupid.
Yesterday was a better day! Church was really good. The pastor is continuing his series on, Anything But Ordinary, and yesterday he spoke on showing mercy. One thing that stuck out to me was the fact that many times we do not show mercy to others because we feel the need to control and manipulate them. I may or may not be guilty of this at times but the truth is - none of us are perfect and we are all in need of mercy. If we want to receive mercy, then we should show mercy. It was a really great message and as always, that hour is one of the highlights of my week. After church it was finally time to make some more progress on my courtyard in the back. This was a project I started last summer and I am determined to complete it this summer. Four bushes have now been planted and I know that does not seem like a lot, but it was - and there were two of us working on it! I would say that sweat, exhaustion, and the need for water means that we worked very hard, right? Small steps at a time, it will be completed and finally look like a real courtyard instead of just a pile of dirt and rocks.
Finally, the new word I learned yesterday was chutney. The recipe for dinner last night called for chutney and I had no idea what it was. So as we went shopping at Publix (my favorite grocery store by the way), we searched high and low for this mystery product and with the help of one of the workers we found it and it was really good in the chicken! And for anyone that does not know what it is - chutney is a relish, kind of jelly like substance. This particular kind had a mango base to it and it added a lot of flavor to the chicken - I recommend it!
Two final thoughts: There are nine days left in this extreme healthy eating month! I am definitely enjoying being more conscious of what I eat, exercising self-discipline, and knowing that my body is being filled with good things. I also am very much looking forward to June 1st when chocolate and chips & salsa will be a part of my day! My last comment is a sad one. There are only three more Oprah shows left. We all know how much of a fan I am of Oprah's show and I am a little concerned about how my state of mind will be on Wednesday of this week. I am working that day, so I will have to wait until that night to watch her final show - but I am warning you now, it will not be a pretty sight around my house. I will probably write more about that on Thursday :)
Today I am grateful for: 1. Making things work despite my forgetfulness. 2. Great service at church and being reminded to show mercy to others. 3. Making progress on the courtyard 4. Really good dinner last night 5. A full and productive weekend
Yesterday was a better day! Church was really good. The pastor is continuing his series on, Anything But Ordinary, and yesterday he spoke on showing mercy. One thing that stuck out to me was the fact that many times we do not show mercy to others because we feel the need to control and manipulate them. I may or may not be guilty of this at times but the truth is - none of us are perfect and we are all in need of mercy. If we want to receive mercy, then we should show mercy. It was a really great message and as always, that hour is one of the highlights of my week. After church it was finally time to make some more progress on my courtyard in the back. This was a project I started last summer and I am determined to complete it this summer. Four bushes have now been planted and I know that does not seem like a lot, but it was - and there were two of us working on it! I would say that sweat, exhaustion, and the need for water means that we worked very hard, right? Small steps at a time, it will be completed and finally look like a real courtyard instead of just a pile of dirt and rocks.
Finally, the new word I learned yesterday was chutney. The recipe for dinner last night called for chutney and I had no idea what it was. So as we went shopping at Publix (my favorite grocery store by the way), we searched high and low for this mystery product and with the help of one of the workers we found it and it was really good in the chicken! And for anyone that does not know what it is - chutney is a relish, kind of jelly like substance. This particular kind had a mango base to it and it added a lot of flavor to the chicken - I recommend it!
Two final thoughts: There are nine days left in this extreme healthy eating month! I am definitely enjoying being more conscious of what I eat, exercising self-discipline, and knowing that my body is being filled with good things. I also am very much looking forward to June 1st when chocolate and chips & salsa will be a part of my day! My last comment is a sad one. There are only three more Oprah shows left. We all know how much of a fan I am of Oprah's show and I am a little concerned about how my state of mind will be on Wednesday of this week. I am working that day, so I will have to wait until that night to watch her final show - but I am warning you now, it will not be a pretty sight around my house. I will probably write more about that on Thursday :)
Today I am grateful for: 1. Making things work despite my forgetfulness. 2. Great service at church and being reminded to show mercy to others. 3. Making progress on the courtyard 4. Really good dinner last night 5. A full and productive weekend
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Standing On The Edge...
I feel like now is a great time for me to start writing another book. I have spent the last few weeks and months wanting to be inspired as to what to write about. One day I would like to attempt to write a novel, but for now there is no motivation to do so. Instead, I am convinced that I should write about what is most on my mind these days and what I am constantly learning in my own life. A couple of weeks ago while at church, the pastor mentioned the phrase - Standing on the Edge. When he said that, it was like a light bulb went off because I knew that I should consider this as a title for my next book. I immediately wrote the phrase down and began thinking about that idea. It would encompass the concept of truly living life to the fullest and what holds us back from actually living the life of our dreams. I know that it is something that I am passionate about and have so many opinions, thoughts, and ideas that I do not think it would be hard to write an entire book on this subject. The topic may not be original but I believe that I can infuse stories from my own life and lessons I have learned to give it a unique twist.
I began working on an outline for the book and I came up with topics such as: Defining your life's purpose, the idea of surrender and giving up control, the laws of attraction, motivations in life, living the life of our dreams, the power of gratitude, and learning from others. For those of you that have read, The Journey, it would be expanding somewhat on the last chapter of the book. It is actually one of my favorite chapters and talks about making the most of each day, being grateful, and living out our faith. My intention for writing this new book would be to encourage, challenge, and motivate others but I also believe that the process of writing on this topic would keep my own life in check and keep me focused on my goals and living out my own life's purpose.
I am definitely in the very beginning stages of this so we will see where it takes me but I am excited about beginning a new project and being able to do something that I love - writing!
Update: It has been 17 days on my healthy eating month and there are a couple of observations I would like to make. 1. I have lost weight in the process, which was not my intention (except a flatter stomach is nice!) - so I am going to have to make sure that I still get enough food in each day. 2. Out of everything, I am craving 2 things more than anything else: chocolate and chips & salsa. I do think about them constantly but I am determined to make it for the next 14 days without giving in.
Today I am grateful for: 1. The gift of today 2. A great phone call last night with lots of laughter 3. Finding inspiration to write 4. Mom and Woody leaving today on the trip of a lifetime - Hawaii! 5. Only 14 more days until I can eat chocolate again!
I began working on an outline for the book and I came up with topics such as: Defining your life's purpose, the idea of surrender and giving up control, the laws of attraction, motivations in life, living the life of our dreams, the power of gratitude, and learning from others. For those of you that have read, The Journey, it would be expanding somewhat on the last chapter of the book. It is actually one of my favorite chapters and talks about making the most of each day, being grateful, and living out our faith. My intention for writing this new book would be to encourage, challenge, and motivate others but I also believe that the process of writing on this topic would keep my own life in check and keep me focused on my goals and living out my own life's purpose.
I am definitely in the very beginning stages of this so we will see where it takes me but I am excited about beginning a new project and being able to do something that I love - writing!
Update: It has been 17 days on my healthy eating month and there are a couple of observations I would like to make. 1. I have lost weight in the process, which was not my intention (except a flatter stomach is nice!) - so I am going to have to make sure that I still get enough food in each day. 2. Out of everything, I am craving 2 things more than anything else: chocolate and chips & salsa. I do think about them constantly but I am determined to make it for the next 14 days without giving in.
Today I am grateful for: 1. The gift of today 2. A great phone call last night with lots of laughter 3. Finding inspiration to write 4. Mom and Woody leaving today on the trip of a lifetime - Hawaii! 5. Only 14 more days until I can eat chocolate again!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Hard Work and Determination....
I want to give a big shout-out to my sister, Cara! This past Friday, she found out that she was accepted into the Physical Therapy Assistant's program and we are all so excited for her! Cara currently works at a Physical Therapist's office and she said that when she got the email she started jumping up and down and crying - all in front of her patients! I am sure it was a somewhat funny sight but if they all knew all the work in getting to this point, they would have jumped up and down too - and maybe shed a tear as well.
I love it when people are able to be in a career that they are passionate about, one that uses their strengths, and also have fun in the process. For Cara, being a PTA is the perfect fit for her. She has a big heart for people and this position allows her to help people who are really in need. She definitely has some hilarious stories from working with people but what I have learned is that even as she helps them with their physical needs - I know that she is also making an even bigger difference in their lives. Cara has a very positive outlook on life, is a lot of fun to be around, and genuinely cares for people. Many of her patients love her and ask for her when they come into the office. Any of you that know her would not be surprised to hear this.
Over the last couple of years, Cara has been working hard at school and preparing for her acceptance into the program. Although at times I know it has been overwhelming, she has done an amazing job at balancing marriage, work, and school. She has made sacrifices and spent hours and hours studying for each test and working on each paper that was written. She has been determined to get into this program and truly believed that it would happen. All of the hours spent studying, all of the papers that were written, the preparation for her interview, and the belief that it will happen all paid off for her and I could not be more proud! She deserves this so much and I am very excited to see what the future holds for her!
Today I am grateful for: 1. Help from friends over the weekend 2. Great church service yesterday 3. Cara getting accepted into the PTA program 4. Being motivated by Cara's hard work 5. Seeing great things happen to deserving people
I love it when people are able to be in a career that they are passionate about, one that uses their strengths, and also have fun in the process. For Cara, being a PTA is the perfect fit for her. She has a big heart for people and this position allows her to help people who are really in need. She definitely has some hilarious stories from working with people but what I have learned is that even as she helps them with their physical needs - I know that she is also making an even bigger difference in their lives. Cara has a very positive outlook on life, is a lot of fun to be around, and genuinely cares for people. Many of her patients love her and ask for her when they come into the office. Any of you that know her would not be surprised to hear this.
Over the last couple of years, Cara has been working hard at school and preparing for her acceptance into the program. Although at times I know it has been overwhelming, she has done an amazing job at balancing marriage, work, and school. She has made sacrifices and spent hours and hours studying for each test and working on each paper that was written. She has been determined to get into this program and truly believed that it would happen. All of the hours spent studying, all of the papers that were written, the preparation for her interview, and the belief that it will happen all paid off for her and I could not be more proud! She deserves this so much and I am very excited to see what the future holds for her!
Today I am grateful for: 1. Help from friends over the weekend 2. Great church service yesterday 3. Cara getting accepted into the PTA program 4. Being motivated by Cara's hard work 5. Seeing great things happen to deserving people
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Remembering the impact of one life...
It was seven years ago today that my dad passed away. I can still remember every moment of that day and it seems like some of the smallest details are the ones that still mean so much. For those that do not know, my dad died of brain cancer at the age of 53. He was diagnosed in July of 2003 and passed away ten months later. These were some of the worst moments of my life but also some of the most meaningful because my family was able to all be together those ten months and share in beautiful memories that we will hold forever. I know now that time was truly a gift given to each of us and for that I am forever grateful.
When I think about the people in my life that have had the greatest impact on me, my dad is definitely at the top of the list. He was such an example of selflessness, living life with purpose, and knowing that true joy came in knowing his Creator. His greatest moments in life were those spent with family and friends. He helped countless people that were in need and did so without receiving credit or praise. He also instilled in me and my sisters the importance of faith and how that is the very foundation of a fulfilled life.
What I love about my dad is that he was an ordinary man who chose to live an extraordinary life. When I say "ordinary" I am talking about the world's perspective. He was not famous but that is what he preferred. He lived his life as best as he knew how and in doing so - he made a difference in the lives of so many people. I continue to hear today of how he changed lives simply by living his with purpose and it challenges me to do the same with mine.
It is true that when someone dies, those who remain will continue with their lives. There are many days that I think of Dad and smile and know that he would love seeing how our lives have turned out. Today is a hard day though, because I also remember the pain of losing him. There are so many moments that I wish he was here to see. There are many times that I wish I could sit and talk with him. When I do have situations come up and I wonder what Dad's advice would be - I seem to already know what he would say. And in moments of being together with family, I can still feel a part of him with us. This particular day does not seem to get any easier but I also know that the pain that we all feel on this day comes from a love for a man that meant so much to each of us.
On May 12, 2004, Dad took his last breath here on earth and began living his new life in a place of perfection. It was in that moment that he began to truly reap the rewards of a life well lived. I am motivated to live my life more and more each day because of his example. I know that he would not want any of the praise or attention and he would tell all of us to live our lives for the One who gave us eternal life. As I continue to hear of what this man's life meant to so many people, I am honored and consider it such a privilege to have had the opportunity to call him Dad.
Today I am grateful for: 1. How each day is a gift 2. My family and how incredibly blessed I am to have each one in my life 3. The 28 years I had with Dad 4. The example of a life well lived 5. Knowing that one day I will see him again
When I think about the people in my life that have had the greatest impact on me, my dad is definitely at the top of the list. He was such an example of selflessness, living life with purpose, and knowing that true joy came in knowing his Creator. His greatest moments in life were those spent with family and friends. He helped countless people that were in need and did so without receiving credit or praise. He also instilled in me and my sisters the importance of faith and how that is the very foundation of a fulfilled life.
What I love about my dad is that he was an ordinary man who chose to live an extraordinary life. When I say "ordinary" I am talking about the world's perspective. He was not famous but that is what he preferred. He lived his life as best as he knew how and in doing so - he made a difference in the lives of so many people. I continue to hear today of how he changed lives simply by living his with purpose and it challenges me to do the same with mine.
It is true that when someone dies, those who remain will continue with their lives. There are many days that I think of Dad and smile and know that he would love seeing how our lives have turned out. Today is a hard day though, because I also remember the pain of losing him. There are so many moments that I wish he was here to see. There are many times that I wish I could sit and talk with him. When I do have situations come up and I wonder what Dad's advice would be - I seem to already know what he would say. And in moments of being together with family, I can still feel a part of him with us. This particular day does not seem to get any easier but I also know that the pain that we all feel on this day comes from a love for a man that meant so much to each of us.
On May 12, 2004, Dad took his last breath here on earth and began living his new life in a place of perfection. It was in that moment that he began to truly reap the rewards of a life well lived. I am motivated to live my life more and more each day because of his example. I know that he would not want any of the praise or attention and he would tell all of us to live our lives for the One who gave us eternal life. As I continue to hear of what this man's life meant to so many people, I am honored and consider it such a privilege to have had the opportunity to call him Dad.
Today I am grateful for: 1. How each day is a gift 2. My family and how incredibly blessed I am to have each one in my life 3. The 28 years I had with Dad 4. The example of a life well lived 5. Knowing that one day I will see him again
Monday, May 9, 2011
Celebrating Moms and a lesson in Meekness...
Yesterday was a great day having all my family over for lunch to celebrate Mother's Day! I originally told everyone that we would eat around 1:30pm and that no one would have to help - I would have it all ready for them so that Mom and Christy would not have to do any work on Mom's Day. At least my intentions were good. We finally started eating at 3:00pm, everyone was starving, and it became a team effort between Mom, Christy, and myself to get it all done! Oh well, so much for doing it all on my own. It was definitely fun all being together and of course Martha Ann and Wylie were looking as cute as ever and making all of us smile (except when it got to be nap time and they were not as fun to be around). I hope that Mom and Christy both felt loved and appreciated for all the hard work that they do day in and day out. And of course like any other family day, there was lots of talking, laughter, and funny stories!
Yesterday at church, the pastor continued his series on Anything But Ordinary. He spoke on the verse, Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Meekness can be defined as strength under control. The pastor said that those who do not possess the quality of meekness could be defensive when others point out faults, they could try and control certain situations, and might feel the need to win at arguments. I am going to be honest and say that as he spoke, all I could think was - Wow, I am not a very meek person! It was almost one of those moments where I felt like there was a spotlight on me and I really needed to learn something. I will admit that some of my faults do come from not being very meek. I have been known to be a little controlling at times and instead of listening when people point out a fault of mine, my instinct is to fire back and get very defensive. Some of this is our human nature but those who are genuinely meek have that strength under control. They are the ones who are so comfortable in their own skin and possess a certain level of confidence that they can take criticism well and are not afraid to let others win.
Some might ask - why do you want to be meek? For many, it goes against what the world says to pursue. However, according to this verse, those who are meek are the ones that will actually inherit the earth. I believe that this means that they will experience true and lasting happiness. We all know people who seem to experience success no matter what they do - but a lot of that could be fleeting and those who are meek are the ones that lay their head down at night knowing who they are and feel very fulfilled in life. The pastor ended by challenging each of us to have this prayer in life: To have the power of patience and the wisdom of calm. He said that most mothers already possess this quality and I would definitely agree. So now it is becoming one of my desires in life. I am not a patient person and I have been told that I do not always remain calm in certain situations (otherwise known as a Kevin freak out moment). It will not happen overnight for me, but I will try over time to learn to be more meek and possess strength under control.
Today I am grateful for: 1. Really great work days over the weekend. 2. Having a great family day yesterday 3. Mom and all that she does for all of her kids 4. Christy and how she is an example of a great mother 4. Being challenged in the area of meekness 5. Staying strong in my healthy eating amidst temptation
Yesterday at church, the pastor continued his series on Anything But Ordinary. He spoke on the verse, Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Meekness can be defined as strength under control. The pastor said that those who do not possess the quality of meekness could be defensive when others point out faults, they could try and control certain situations, and might feel the need to win at arguments. I am going to be honest and say that as he spoke, all I could think was - Wow, I am not a very meek person! It was almost one of those moments where I felt like there was a spotlight on me and I really needed to learn something. I will admit that some of my faults do come from not being very meek. I have been known to be a little controlling at times and instead of listening when people point out a fault of mine, my instinct is to fire back and get very defensive. Some of this is our human nature but those who are genuinely meek have that strength under control. They are the ones who are so comfortable in their own skin and possess a certain level of confidence that they can take criticism well and are not afraid to let others win.
Some might ask - why do you want to be meek? For many, it goes against what the world says to pursue. However, according to this verse, those who are meek are the ones that will actually inherit the earth. I believe that this means that they will experience true and lasting happiness. We all know people who seem to experience success no matter what they do - but a lot of that could be fleeting and those who are meek are the ones that lay their head down at night knowing who they are and feel very fulfilled in life. The pastor ended by challenging each of us to have this prayer in life: To have the power of patience and the wisdom of calm. He said that most mothers already possess this quality and I would definitely agree. So now it is becoming one of my desires in life. I am not a patient person and I have been told that I do not always remain calm in certain situations (otherwise known as a Kevin freak out moment). It will not happen overnight for me, but I will try over time to learn to be more meek and possess strength under control.
Today I am grateful for: 1. Really great work days over the weekend. 2. Having a great family day yesterday 3. Mom and all that she does for all of her kids 4. Christy and how she is an example of a great mother 4. Being challenged in the area of meekness 5. Staying strong in my healthy eating amidst temptation
Friday, May 6, 2011
Happy Birthday Mom!
Today's blog is dedicated to one very important lady in my life - my mom! Today is her birthday and Sunday is Mother's Day so it is an entire weekend of celebrating her and what she means to so many people.
My mom is by far one of the most amazing women that I know. She has always had many roles in life and has found a way to balance each one perfectly. Of course my sisters and I are very thankful to call her Mom - but there are also many other people that call her Mom or Momma or Momma B! One thing about Mom is that she has a heart for people and always wants the best for everyone in her life. I know that my sisters and I keep her phone ringing enough with our questions, problems, and need for encouragement - but I also hear stories of her helping many others in their lives, praying with people, and being a listening ear. I can look back at the thirty-five years I have been around and clearly see how Mom is a constant figure that has encouraged me, listened to me, helped me, and inspired me to look outside of myself and find ways to make a difference in other people's lives. She has had her share of ups and downs in life but through it all she has always shown such grace and strength. Her faith in God is the foundation of her life and it is beautifully personified in how she lives each day.
Mom is also one who likes to have a good time, laugh a lot, and be crazy with her friends. Whether it's eating at her favorite Mexican restaurant, going country line-dancing, or riding around in her new Camaro - you can bet that she is loving every minute of it and her energy is contagious to those around her. Another one of her loves is her grandchildren. Yes, she loves her children but I would dare say that if I walked through the door with Martha Ann and Wylie - I don't think I would be the first person that she went to! She fulfills her role well by spoiling them with gifts, giving them treats they probably aren't supposed to have, and making each one of them feel as if they are the only one in the room.
Today is your day Mom... and Sunday is your day, too... and we will just say Saturday is as well so that it is an entire weekend devoted to you! Thanks for all the ways you have helped me become the person I am today. Even as an adult there are many times I need your help and you are always there without hesitation. You definitely make the world a better place and I am so grateful to call you Mom.
Happy Birthday and Happy Mother's Day!!
Today I am grateful for: 1. All the things Mom has taught me about life 2. Her unconditional love 3. Her strong example of grace and strength 4. Mom's love for life 5. A weekend to celebrate Mom and all that she means to so many people
My mom is by far one of the most amazing women that I know. She has always had many roles in life and has found a way to balance each one perfectly. Of course my sisters and I are very thankful to call her Mom - but there are also many other people that call her Mom or Momma or Momma B! One thing about Mom is that she has a heart for people and always wants the best for everyone in her life. I know that my sisters and I keep her phone ringing enough with our questions, problems, and need for encouragement - but I also hear stories of her helping many others in their lives, praying with people, and being a listening ear. I can look back at the thirty-five years I have been around and clearly see how Mom is a constant figure that has encouraged me, listened to me, helped me, and inspired me to look outside of myself and find ways to make a difference in other people's lives. She has had her share of ups and downs in life but through it all she has always shown such grace and strength. Her faith in God is the foundation of her life and it is beautifully personified in how she lives each day.
Mom is also one who likes to have a good time, laugh a lot, and be crazy with her friends. Whether it's eating at her favorite Mexican restaurant, going country line-dancing, or riding around in her new Camaro - you can bet that she is loving every minute of it and her energy is contagious to those around her. Another one of her loves is her grandchildren. Yes, she loves her children but I would dare say that if I walked through the door with Martha Ann and Wylie - I don't think I would be the first person that she went to! She fulfills her role well by spoiling them with gifts, giving them treats they probably aren't supposed to have, and making each one of them feel as if they are the only one in the room.
Today is your day Mom... and Sunday is your day, too... and we will just say Saturday is as well so that it is an entire weekend devoted to you! Thanks for all the ways you have helped me become the person I am today. Even as an adult there are many times I need your help and you are always there without hesitation. You definitely make the world a better place and I am so grateful to call you Mom.
Happy Birthday and Happy Mother's Day!!
Today I am grateful for: 1. All the things Mom has taught me about life 2. Her unconditional love 3. Her strong example of grace and strength 4. Mom's love for life 5. A weekend to celebrate Mom and all that she means to so many people
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Pursuing a Passion...
I believe that each of us have something in life that we are passionate about. Something that we love to do, something we are good at, and is part of what makes us unique individuals. For some, that passion becomes their career, for others it is a hobby, and yet some do not exercise this passion for various reasons. Sometimes you know early on in life what this gift is and sometimes you learn through trial and error.
For me, one of my passions is writing. Growing up in my church, I was very involved in the music program and eventually started writing songs. I found it such a creative way to express my faith and at times, to share with others how I felt. There were many songs written that no one ever heard - probably because they weren't that good. But it was still good to write - whether it was good or bad. It was when I wrote The Journey that I really fell in love with the process of writing. When my dad passed away, I delivered the eulogy and in those moments of painful writing, I knew that I wanted to write a book about his life. It took a few years of writing off and on to complete it, but it was not only therapeutic for me - it helped me to share with others about one of the most important people in my life. I really enjoyed the days that I would write. It was great working with an editor, which really helped improve the quality of the book. Although my original intent was to write it for my family, it has been very encouraging to hear from others and see how it made a difference in their lives.
Doing this blog this year is another thing I really love doing. Although I have not been able to blog every day like I intended, I really enjoy getting up in the mornings and writing down my thoughts. For me, it is somewhat like therapy and accountability all in one. I definitely plan to stay committed to blogging and hopefully turn it into something more as time goes on. I also plan to start writing another book soon. I have a few ideas, but I am waiting to see what I really want to devote my time and energy to working on. I desire to get back into that discipline and working on a bigger writing project. To be honest, my ultimate desire right now would be to turn writing into a career. Oprah always says to know what you love doing and then find a way to get paid for it. That is what I am working on now. This type of work would definitely be very in line with what I want to be doing in life, especially career wise.
I know that sometimes our jobs may not be exactly what we love doing but I hope that each of you have something you are passionate about and are able to exercise that either through a job or a hobby or in some way. It definitely makes life better and keeps us in sync with why we are here.
And just to give everyone an update - it is day 5 of extreme healthy eating and there have really been some delicious meals made - but I am still craving chocolate like a mad person! Wish me luck!
Today I am grateful for: 1. Beautiful weather outside 2. Remembering that all things work together for the good 3. The best lasagna ever last night 4. Being able to express my thoughts through this blog 5. A love for writing and the desire to pursue it
For me, one of my passions is writing. Growing up in my church, I was very involved in the music program and eventually started writing songs. I found it such a creative way to express my faith and at times, to share with others how I felt. There were many songs written that no one ever heard - probably because they weren't that good. But it was still good to write - whether it was good or bad. It was when I wrote The Journey that I really fell in love with the process of writing. When my dad passed away, I delivered the eulogy and in those moments of painful writing, I knew that I wanted to write a book about his life. It took a few years of writing off and on to complete it, but it was not only therapeutic for me - it helped me to share with others about one of the most important people in my life. I really enjoyed the days that I would write. It was great working with an editor, which really helped improve the quality of the book. Although my original intent was to write it for my family, it has been very encouraging to hear from others and see how it made a difference in their lives.
Doing this blog this year is another thing I really love doing. Although I have not been able to blog every day like I intended, I really enjoy getting up in the mornings and writing down my thoughts. For me, it is somewhat like therapy and accountability all in one. I definitely plan to stay committed to blogging and hopefully turn it into something more as time goes on. I also plan to start writing another book soon. I have a few ideas, but I am waiting to see what I really want to devote my time and energy to working on. I desire to get back into that discipline and working on a bigger writing project. To be honest, my ultimate desire right now would be to turn writing into a career. Oprah always says to know what you love doing and then find a way to get paid for it. That is what I am working on now. This type of work would definitely be very in line with what I want to be doing in life, especially career wise.
I know that sometimes our jobs may not be exactly what we love doing but I hope that each of you have something you are passionate about and are able to exercise that either through a job or a hobby or in some way. It definitely makes life better and keeps us in sync with why we are here.
And just to give everyone an update - it is day 5 of extreme healthy eating and there have really been some delicious meals made - but I am still craving chocolate like a mad person! Wish me luck!
Today I am grateful for: 1. Beautiful weather outside 2. Remembering that all things work together for the good 3. The best lasagna ever last night 4. Being able to express my thoughts through this blog 5. A love for writing and the desire to pursue it
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Why I do what I do...
I wanted to answer a question that was raised yesterday about why I am going extreme healthy eating for one month. I meant to put this in yesterday's blog but forgot about it. There are a couple of reasons really. The first simply has to do with living my best life. Setting goals and challenging myself really helps me to not settle for mediocrity in life. I am always wanting to push myself more and to experience more in life. I have tried giving up various eating habits for a shorter amount of time. I actually was a vegetarian for one full year and really liked that lifestyle which lead to me doing Meatless Mondays. So when the idea came up to really focus on healthy eating for one month I was ready to challenge myself to do that.
The other reason is the idea of Lent. I have never observed Lent before but I do like where the idea comes from. Giving up something in life in the hope that something better will come is a great practice that we all should consider from time to time. I know that technically Lent leads up to Easter but I think the idea of it can apply to any time. I am giving up unhealthy foods for one month in the hope that a healthier, more productive life will come out of it. And the goal is that once the month is over with some of these unhealthy foods will not find their way back into my life. (Chocolate is the exception though - it will definitely make a comeback on June 1st!) So basically, my reason for doing this meets a core need that I have to always want more out of life. My intention is to challenge myself and to see the benefits from doing so. Hopefully this gives a better explanation as to why I do what I do when it comes to these healthy food challenges I have in life.
Yesterday was Meatless Monday and I cannot even explain how good the homemade veggie pizza was last night! One thing I learned (or was reminded of) is when you are making homemade pizza dough - don't forget to flour your hands because I had most of it stuck to my fingers instead of on the baking sheet! But this divine pizza had red and green chilies, sun-dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, plum tomatoes, cheese, and a mixture of herbs and omg it was delicious! Seriously people - it was so good!! And then temptation came. I have a new roommate, Josh, that moved in yesterday and he brought home a box of really good chocolate and handed it to me. Jordan is doing this healthy eating with me and when we saw the box of chocolate we could just hear it calling out to us and saying how amazing it would be to try it. I opened the box and smelled it and I have to say - it was like heaven. Basically I wanted to cry. We politely told the other roommate how much we hate him for bringing us that and then stuck the box in the freezer so that we can enjoy it in June! Hopefully it is still good then?! And for the record - it was really nice that Josh brought that and it will definitely be enjoyed in a few weeks :)
I have been told many times before that some of the things I try or the challenges I put on myself are... well, basically they are weird. But it does work for me. I would encourage everyone to set goals - maybe something small - but I guarantee that you will feel that sense of accomplishment and want to do more. In my opinion it does play a part in truly experiencing what life is all about.
Today I am grateful for: 1. A busy but very productive last 3 days 2. Getting an encouraging email from a friend that truly made my day 3. The best veggie pizza 4. Getting through the chocolate temptation 5. Cara's interview going so well!
The other reason is the idea of Lent. I have never observed Lent before but I do like where the idea comes from. Giving up something in life in the hope that something better will come is a great practice that we all should consider from time to time. I know that technically Lent leads up to Easter but I think the idea of it can apply to any time. I am giving up unhealthy foods for one month in the hope that a healthier, more productive life will come out of it. And the goal is that once the month is over with some of these unhealthy foods will not find their way back into my life. (Chocolate is the exception though - it will definitely make a comeback on June 1st!) So basically, my reason for doing this meets a core need that I have to always want more out of life. My intention is to challenge myself and to see the benefits from doing so. Hopefully this gives a better explanation as to why I do what I do when it comes to these healthy food challenges I have in life.
Yesterday was Meatless Monday and I cannot even explain how good the homemade veggie pizza was last night! One thing I learned (or was reminded of) is when you are making homemade pizza dough - don't forget to flour your hands because I had most of it stuck to my fingers instead of on the baking sheet! But this divine pizza had red and green chilies, sun-dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, plum tomatoes, cheese, and a mixture of herbs and omg it was delicious! Seriously people - it was so good!! And then temptation came. I have a new roommate, Josh, that moved in yesterday and he brought home a box of really good chocolate and handed it to me. Jordan is doing this healthy eating with me and when we saw the box of chocolate we could just hear it calling out to us and saying how amazing it would be to try it. I opened the box and smelled it and I have to say - it was like heaven. Basically I wanted to cry. We politely told the other roommate how much we hate him for bringing us that and then stuck the box in the freezer so that we can enjoy it in June! Hopefully it is still good then?! And for the record - it was really nice that Josh brought that and it will definitely be enjoyed in a few weeks :)
I have been told many times before that some of the things I try or the challenges I put on myself are... well, basically they are weird. But it does work for me. I would encourage everyone to set goals - maybe something small - but I guarantee that you will feel that sense of accomplishment and want to do more. In my opinion it does play a part in truly experiencing what life is all about.
Today I am grateful for: 1. A busy but very productive last 3 days 2. Getting an encouraging email from a friend that truly made my day 3. The best veggie pizza 4. Getting through the chocolate temptation 5. Cara's interview going so well!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Giving it all up for 31 days...
I have given up cokes for one week and I have given up sweets for one week but I have never done this before! I am giving up all unhealthy foods for the entire month of May. That means no junk food, no cokes, no sweet tea, no fast food, nothing fried, no potato chips, and the worst one of all.... no chocolate for one month! This was not my idea originally but I agreed to it knowing that it would be a challenge for me and I always love a good challenge. I am a health-conscious eater anyway so most of it will not be too hard for me - but the no chips is going to be difficult (how do you eat Mexican food without chips and salsa?!) and I am already having chocolate withdrawals and it's only day two. However, I am committed to this and I am pretty good about following through with something once I say I am going to do it. And this blog serves as my accountability as well so I am sure everyone will hear how it is affecting me as the month goes along - the good, the bad, and the ugly (otherwise known as a "Kevin Mood")
It was a really busy weekend around here! Saturday morning my sister, Cara, ran the Nashville 1/2 Marathon. Yes, it was the race that I was supposed to run with her but due to a few things (mainly it didn't fit into the budget) I decided to wait and run a different 1/2 marathon later in the year. There is one in Chicago in August and that is my favorite city so I might go for that one! Anyway, Cara did really great! She had her best time yet and all of her hard work and training really paid off! There are about 30,000 people that run this marathon and it is such an experience and a great feeling of accomplishment to cross the finish line and I am really proud of her for following through and doing so well!!
Saturday night was spent hanging out with Martha Ann and Wylie. I don't like using the word babysit because they are family and I will take any chance I get to hang out with them. They are both growing up and have such fun personalities! We went to the park here in my neighborhood and of course Martha Ann loved it! I did have help which was good because it is a full time job just chasing Martha Ann around the playground. And of course when it was time to go - it was another full time job carrying Martha Ann out while she cried and tried to get away from me to slide some more :) There was also one moment of projectile vomit from Wylie which landed all over me! It definitely took me by surprise but Wylie looked at me like it was normal so we just cleaned it up and kept playing. But it was a really great night with my two favorite little people and it also gave Christy a chance to socialize with adults for a change and not have the "mommy role" for a few hours.
It was a very busy weekend, but a great one. Church yesterday was really good. Our pastor is starting a series called, Anything But Ordinary, and it focuses on the Beatitudes and how the life we sometimes want to pursue may not actually be the life we are called to live. I am looking forward to it and I already know that parts of it will make it to the blog! I was also able to watch some Oprah Behind the Scenes last night so that always makes for a good day. Her last show is May 25th and anyone that knows me knows that it's going to be a horrible day. I will literally be a mess watching that last show so sympathy cards, flowers, or even cash will probably help me get through that difficult time :)
Well, it's only day two of this extreme healthy eating and all I can think about is a chocolate cupcake! This might end up being one of my greatest challenges yet (OK, maybe a little dramatic) but it is not going to be easy - but that is part of the point of a challenge and getting rid of something unhealthy and replacing it with healthy options. It is all part of that best life we all strive for!
Today I am grateful for: 1. Cara doing so great on the 1/2 Marathon! 2. Hanging out with Martha Ann & Wylie and how much joy they bring to my life 3. Church on Sunday - focusing on what's important 4. Commitment to a challenge even when it's hard 5. The veggie pizza we are making for Meatless Monday tonight!
It was a really busy weekend around here! Saturday morning my sister, Cara, ran the Nashville 1/2 Marathon. Yes, it was the race that I was supposed to run with her but due to a few things (mainly it didn't fit into the budget) I decided to wait and run a different 1/2 marathon later in the year. There is one in Chicago in August and that is my favorite city so I might go for that one! Anyway, Cara did really great! She had her best time yet and all of her hard work and training really paid off! There are about 30,000 people that run this marathon and it is such an experience and a great feeling of accomplishment to cross the finish line and I am really proud of her for following through and doing so well!!
Saturday night was spent hanging out with Martha Ann and Wylie. I don't like using the word babysit because they are family and I will take any chance I get to hang out with them. They are both growing up and have such fun personalities! We went to the park here in my neighborhood and of course Martha Ann loved it! I did have help which was good because it is a full time job just chasing Martha Ann around the playground. And of course when it was time to go - it was another full time job carrying Martha Ann out while she cried and tried to get away from me to slide some more :) There was also one moment of projectile vomit from Wylie which landed all over me! It definitely took me by surprise but Wylie looked at me like it was normal so we just cleaned it up and kept playing. But it was a really great night with my two favorite little people and it also gave Christy a chance to socialize with adults for a change and not have the "mommy role" for a few hours.
It was a very busy weekend, but a great one. Church yesterday was really good. Our pastor is starting a series called, Anything But Ordinary, and it focuses on the Beatitudes and how the life we sometimes want to pursue may not actually be the life we are called to live. I am looking forward to it and I already know that parts of it will make it to the blog! I was also able to watch some Oprah Behind the Scenes last night so that always makes for a good day. Her last show is May 25th and anyone that knows me knows that it's going to be a horrible day. I will literally be a mess watching that last show so sympathy cards, flowers, or even cash will probably help me get through that difficult time :)
Well, it's only day two of this extreme healthy eating and all I can think about is a chocolate cupcake! This might end up being one of my greatest challenges yet (OK, maybe a little dramatic) but it is not going to be easy - but that is part of the point of a challenge and getting rid of something unhealthy and replacing it with healthy options. It is all part of that best life we all strive for!
Today I am grateful for: 1. Cara doing so great on the 1/2 Marathon! 2. Hanging out with Martha Ann & Wylie and how much joy they bring to my life 3. Church on Sunday - focusing on what's important 4. Commitment to a challenge even when it's hard 5. The veggie pizza we are making for Meatless Monday tonight!
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