Pastor Pete made a point on Sunday to remind us that who we are is much more important than what we are. As he said that, I thought about my own life and how my perspective sometimes gets a little off because I am more focused on the what rather than the who. It is very easy to want certain things out of life but we are not willing to do what it takes to get ourselves in alignment to receive those things. Hopefully by the end of this blog, we will be more on point with what is truly important.
I will be the first to admit that I am the king of wishful thinking. (Does anyone remember that song from the 90's?) I have always been one to dream really big and want my life to accomplish big things. Basically, I want to be the male version of Oprah! That is not all true, but I have always dreamed of being famous and having that larger platform that comes from fame to make a bigger difference in the world. There is absolutely nothing wrong with big dreams and desiring more out of life - in fact, I strongly recommend it for everyone! However, what I was reminded on Sunday is that I need to make sure my life is accomplishing what I want in the future - right now in the present. If I want to make a bigger difference in the world, am I making a difference in my own smaller world right now? If I want to be financially able to provide for others and help others in need, am I using my money wisely now and giving whenever possible? Luke 12:48 says, When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required. What I really need to ask myself is this - am I being responsible with the resources, talents, and gifts that God has given me now? If not, then I cannot be trusted with more in the future. If the answer is yes, then more will come.
Many of us focus on our status in life. We find importance in titles, careers, and what tax bracket we are in. What matters even more is who we are as a person. Are we honest, reliable, giving, loyal, and willing to serve others? Do others consider us a true friend and do we show love to our family? In my own life, there are areas that I can improve in and I need to shift my focus on those things rather than worrying about what my status in life is at the moment. I do love my life and am extremely grateful for each and every good thing that has come my way. I am also thankful for the struggles and trials because they have shaped me into the person I am today. Although I do believe that my life is meant for greater things, I have decided to really focus on my present life as I strive toward an even better future.
This may be something that only I needed to hear, but I wanted to share it so that anyone else who struggles with the same thing might be encouraged. Be honest with yourself and those things in your life that are going well - continue that and grow even deeper in those areas. Those things that need work - strive to make progress so that your life can be aligned with an even bigger future. I have quoted this verse many times, but Jeremiah 29:11 words it perfectly. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Today I am grateful for: 1. Continual lessons learned in life 2. The bagel with Nutella I had at breakfast 3. The needed rain we have been getting 4. Laughing a lot at work today 5. Coworkers thinking that I was 25 - that's a good compliment!
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