I have always thought that my sisters and I had a unique relationship. I am the oldest and I have two younger sisters, Christy and Cara. Mom used to say that had she known she was going to have three children she would have started all of our names with the letter "K." However, I was quick to remind her that it would be "KKK" and that would probably not have been good for us growing up! We have always been very close and enjoy hanging out together whenever we can. We love each other so much, but in that love there is also a side of us that finds great pleasure in making fun of each other. Sometimes we take it too far but it is part of what makes us unique. If other people said things about us, we would get so mad - but within our sibling relationship, there is really no limits to what we will laugh about!
For example, my sister Christy had a slight scare last week when she was out looking at houses. She had both of her kids with her, Martha Ann and Wylie. As they were about to leave, she felt sick and ended up passing out in front of the realtor! I got a text message from my other sister Cara saying that Christy was being taken to the hospital by ambulance and of course I freaked out! After a few hours, Christy called to tell me that she was OK and they were at Chick-fil-a getting dinner. In our family, that is a sure sign that things will be OK! I talked with Cara afterwards and we both started saying that Christy will do anything to get a Chick-fil-a dinner and we ended up laughing at what had happened. Wait, let me clarify - not really laughing at what had happened but just the dinner part!
Cara then reminded me that we each have "our thing" that we make fun of each other for and although in the moment it is not funny, afterwards - and for years to come - we will laugh a lot about! For Cara, it is getting sick. There was a time years ago, that Cara was sick upstairs and Christy and I went to check on her. When we peeked into the bathroom door, we saw the most frightening sight we had ever seen! Cara, not looking her prettiest, and hugging the toilet bowl. She looked at us and begged for our help. Instead, we ran downstairs laughing and sent Mom to help her out. Some of you might think that is mean - it's really not, it's just the sibling way of doing things.
My thing is bodily harm. A couple of years ago during my move to my new house, I was carrying my TV downstairs (to help with the mental image, I have one of the older TV sets that is really big and bulky). I slipped on the stairs and ended up breaking my foot. The long story short is that I was unable to get anyone to help me until the next morning. Cara drove over to take me to the doctor and on the way, she asked if we could stop at McDonald's to get breakfast. My foot was swollen and I was in severe pain, but she was worried about food! Then I had to hop on one foot into the doctor's office and down a very long hallway and instead of helping, Cara was on the floor laughing! Although I still do not find this very funny, I have to say that it is to be expected when it comes to the siblings.
There are many other sibling stories that I will probably share another time - but the point is this. These stories follow us for years and every time we talk about them, we laugh until it hurts! We have told these storeis hundreds of times but I am laughing now even as I type this! We always wonder if other siblings are the same as us. I am not sure if they are, but I do know that I would not change a thing about any one of us. I love my sisters so much and look forward to many more stories that will come about because of our crazy lives! For those of you who have a sibling, you can probably relate. And just to clarify, all of Christy's tests came back normal at the hospital, so we are glad that turned out good - or did she really fake it to get Chick-fil-A??
Today I am grateful for: 1. The cooler weather this week 2. Really great pasta that was made for dinner last night 3. Another good work day 4. Hilarious sibling stories 5. Christy and Cara and how much they mean to me
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