So I am still a little tired from a very full, but fun weekend (I actually just yawned as I typed that!). First off, Pay It Forward Day was a really good day. I hope that many of you were able to participate. If not, there will be plenty of other chances so be on the look out! I went to Starbucks that morning and paid for the person's order behind me. I loved hearing the lady behind me place her order and have no idea that it was being paid for. I gave the barrister a note to give that explained what was going on. I wanted to type it out to make it more professional but my printer was out of ink and so I had to hand write it - a little "cheaper" looking I know, but it still worked. I was really excited to do it - and also a little nervous that she might have just placed a big order for lots of coffee drinks - but I believe it all turned out great. I really wanted to hide in the bushes to see her reaction, but I thought that might come across a little creepy, so I chose to continue driving off. It was a really great feeling though to hopefully brighten someone's day. I know that I would be really happy if someone paid for my Starbucks order!
Later that day was my adventure with the Warrior Dash. I knew it would be crazy - and it definitely exceeded my expectations. My sister, Cara and a great fried of ours, Willow were a team. We made Tshirts and wore knee-high socks and were ready to take on the challenge. Basically, the Warrior Dash is a 5k on steroids. There are about twelve obstacles along the way -anything from climbing over hay bales to climbing over walls, running through tires, or getting across nets. We had intended to run a lot in between the obstacles, but we very quickly resorted to walking in order to save our strength and well... yes, we got very tired very fast! We helped each other along and tried to encourage each other in between our own gasping for breath. At the very end, you jump over fire and then crawl on your stomach through mud. On the front of my Tshirt, I had written "Team Captain" and about the time I was stepping into the mud, a few people yelled out "Jump in Team Captain"! So of course, I had to dive in and was covered in mud which I spent the rest of the day trying to get out of my teeth, nose, and ears! It was really a lot of fun and afterwards I was very sore and exhausted - but if you get the chance to participate, do it!!
The remainder of the day was spent at my sister, Christy's house - and I was able to hang out with Martha Ann and Wylie, which is always the best part of any day. They are both getting so big and I love being able to be their uncle and see the smiles on their faces - and frowns when Martha Ann wants another cookie, but I can't give her one because Mommy is looking. Next time I will just have to be a little more sneaky with the cookies - I gotta remain their favorite uncle! It had been awhile since we had all hung out, so it was a lot of fun.
Tomorrow's blog will deal with what I learned at church yesterday. As usual, it was such a motivating and energizing time that I look forward to every week. Pastor Pete made the point that who we are is much more important than what we are and I want to continue that thought tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great weekend and will also have a great week!
Today I am grateful for: 1. Getting to pay it forward Saturday 2. Surviving the Warrior Dash with Cara and Willow 3. Spending time with family - Martha Ann & Wylie's hugs and smiles, and Christy's delicious snacks 4. Incredible worship at church Sunday 5. Starting the day off today with a great run (in my new running shoes)
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