I said I was going to get five blogs in this week. Although today's events led me to want to skip a day, I believe that I should go ahead and stand in the truth of my own situation. I said at the beginning of the year that I wanted to be open and vulnerable in my writings so that includes those times when life is not exactly peachy.
I woke up this morning to a phone call saying that I was being let go from my job. Not exactly the best way to wake up for sure. My job was in sales and anyone who works in this field knows that job security is based on performance and the ability to meet specific goals. Although some weeks were great, some were not and long story short - I was let go. I am not going to bad mouth the company or make excuses for it. I will say that I gave it my best and worked hard to do well. But the simple truth is that I was not a good fit for this particular job and am now on the search for what is next.
The reason why I struggled with whether or not to put that in the blog was because I am not one who likes sympathy from people and yes, losing your job is a little hit to your ego as well. However, I do think that living in my truth helps to move forward and to live up to my promise to be honest in my writings. I do want to tell you about the rest of my day and how I have reacted to the news. After the phone call, I was frustrated and of course thought about the financial aspect of losing my job. Instead of freaking out, which is something I have done before in similar situations, I decided to just accept it for what it was and put a new plan into action. I sent out some texts and emails to various friends and family and have already heard from a few people that might have possible job opportunities for me.
It has been a busy day today, which was good so that I didn't just sit around and get down about my situation. When I took Axel for a walk earlier, I began to think about my focus times this week and instead of complaining to God about why this happened - I remembered the promises from God and just began to be grateful that the answers were there and were already working their way into my life. Although I do not have a clear answer as to what I will do next, I do have the peace and assurance that I will be OK. This does not mean that I will just sit around and wait for the answer to come. Let's be honest - I have bills to pay and need to make money in order to pay those. My job now is to find a new job and to work hard at accomplishing this new goal in my life. But what I remembered, even minutes after the phone call, was that worry and stress never bring about good results. I am pretty sure that I have said that many times in my blogs this year. So I will stand in the truth of life's circumstances and let action and belief in the answer guide me to a positive result.
As I said at the beginning, this blog is not a "woe is me" sympathy trip. I know that many people are in situations a lot worse than mine. I simply want to encourage all of us that when life is not exactly how we want it - we must continue to believe. I look forward to the day when I will write about my new job and how today's bad situation turned into something even better - a blessing in disguise. There is a great song called Blessings, by Laura Story that I hope will be an encouragement to you just as it is to me. I included the link to You Tube just in case you have not heard it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mmgV6mPvb0&feature=related
Today I am grateful for: 1. Knowing that losing my job will open up a new opportunity for me 2. A peace in knowing that things will work out 3. Jeremiah 29:11 4. A good day despite the circumstances 5. Cupcakes from Sparkles - yes, that helps any day get a little better!
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