Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The laws of attraction...

One idea that I have really grown to believe in over the last few years is the laws of attraction.  Simply stated, what you put out into the world will also be what you attract to yourself.  This concept can be applied to every area of your life and once you put it into practice, you will see how it really works.  The Secret is a book that details this belief even further and I would recommend it - and if you do, read it with an open mind. 

Even if you have never heard of the laws of attraction, it really does make a lot of sense.  When you focus more on the good things in life, then more good things are bound to come your way.  The opposite is also true.  When you focus on the bad things in your life, more bad things are likely to come your way as well.  I really do believe this to be true.  Those who tend to focus on the negative seem to always have something to complain about.  It is as if they attract bad things into their lives because in essence, they are seeking out those bad things.  However, those who focus on the positive things in their life always have something to be thankful for.  They also are attracting good things because that is what they seek out. 

In The Secret, it talks a lot about energy and how energy is everywhere and that is what attracts the good and bad things into our lives.  I agree with part of that because I do think that we all give off good and bad vibes.  It is part of what attracts us to some people and makes us run from others.  But I also see this from a Biblical perspective.  There are many scriptures that tell us to dwell on things that are good, true, right, and honest (Philippians 4:8).  It makes sense that if we focus our minds and lives on more positive things, then good things are going to come into our life because that is what we are lined up to receive.

The laws of attraction also work in setting goals and seeing them become a reality.  If you want to start a new job, own a new home, be in a great relationship, see a life-long dream come true, or any other goal you have - then you need to live with the confidence that it will happen.  Not just believing that it can happen - but that it will.  One thing I do when praying about my own goals is to be thankful for the way that it will become a reality.  We are told to pray believing that it will happen and that it will be the best for our lives.  When we doubt, it shifts our focus and can easily get us off track.  Writing these things down as well as having a vision board really helps us stay focused and helps attract these things into our lives. 

I am currently doing this in my own life when it comes to the kind of life I want to live, the dreams I want to become a reality, and the people in my life that I feel very blessed to have.  I encourage you to do the same.  Whether it is small daily goals or larger life goals - make sure that the decisions you make keep you in line with the bigger picture.  Also think about what you are putting out into the world - does it attract more good or more bad into your life?  The really good news is that what you attract into your life could be better than anything you ever dreamed!

Today I am grateful for:  1.  Church Sunday morning - being reminded of all the good things in my life 
2.  My free chocolate-of-the-month from Godiva (sooo good!)  3.  Hearing about others' weekend and what they were thankful for  4.  A text from a friend reminding me to make the most of life  5.  Safe travels to East Tennessee last night for work

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