Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I've Got a Great Idea....

If you know me or have been reading my blog, I hope that one thing that you could say about me is that I am a big believer in paying it forward!  If for some reason, you are unfamiliar with that phrase, it happens when someone does something nice for you.  Instead of returning the favor to them, you pay it forward to someone else.  One thing that I love about this concept is that it teaches us to give to others and expect nothing in return.  We all know those who will do a good deed for someone but the motive behind the action is to get an even better deed returned to them.  If they are going to give, then they want something in return.  Paying it forward keeps our motives clean and also spreads the kindness to many others – like a domino effect.  I grew up being taught this and have had many opportunities over the years to see how great it is to make a difference in someone else’s life.  Whether it is a small thing or giving big, the result is the same.  That act changes someone’s day, or even their life and no material possession can equal the feeling that you get inside from experiencing that!    

I have had an idea for awhile to promote a Pay It Forward day and ask people to come up with one thing that they could do that day to make a difference.  It might be something such as sending a card to someone, surprising a friend with flowers, paying for a stranger’s meal at the drive-thru, helping out a charity, or paying bills for a deserving person.  It does not have to cost money – it is simply about an act of kindness that is unexpected and changes someone’s day in a positive way.  When you have completed the act, you tell them to pay it forward to someone else.  I actually get really excited thinking about it because it is such a great thought to know that lots of people are uniting together on a particular day to bring about some positive energy in the world!  I think that it should be a natural part of our lives, but at times we forget and need to be reminded of the importance of serving others. 

My plan is to pick a day, probably a Saturday, in the next couple of months and then start spreading the word to as many people as I possibly can.  We can begin thinking of what we could do and who we could surprise on that day.  I am going to work on the details and how it could be a more effective and united effort but I wanted to share my initial thoughts with all of you and see what you thought.   I know that many of you already this so it will be a great way to share with others and motivate them to participate.  This is definitely going to happen and I am smiling already thinking about what could come out of this!  Don’t wait for the actual day to share love with someone.  I promise that if you ask for opportunities to come your way, then they will, and you have to be ready to respond and pay it forward!

Today I am grateful for:  1.  Being inside during the 101 degree temperature  2.  Getting more comfortable with my job  3.   Chocolate pretzels I had today  4.  Surviving spin class tonight – omg, it was intense!   5.  All the reasons why I should pay it forward!


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