Yes, on Monday of this week I did commit wholeheartedly to writing a blog four days a week - Monday through Thursday. Yes, it only took four days to break that commitment. Yes, that does make me somewhat of a slacker but I am going to be honest with you. Ready? I got home from work earlier than usual yesterday (even more time to write, I know). I had the house to myself (really no reason not to write, I know). However, I chose to enjoy that time to myself and get caught up on a few TV shows and relax. So I may not have a valid reason not to have kept my commitment but I did want to write something today to help make up for that! My sincere apologies.
I have always believed that honesty is the best policy. I know that there might be exceptions to the rule, but I would much rather hear the truth than not. Many people in my life would say that I give honest feedback. There is good and bad to that. If you ask me a question and do not want to hear the truth, then please do not ask me. I am not mean about it, and I do have your best interests at heart but I just believe in giving people honest opinions or advice. To be that kind of person means that I have to be open to honest feedback about my own life. I am not always as open as I should be to receiving it, but I am constantly trying to improve. There are a few people in my life that can get away with telling me what I really need to hear without getting a backlash in return. I was fortunate enough to have one of those truthful conversations yesterday with one of those in my inner circle.
I am a dreamer and love to think big when it comes to what I want out of life and what I believe to be my purpose. There is nothing wrong with that, but at times I do need to be more focused in how I will accomplish those goals. I can see clearly where I want to be and what I desire out of life, but now is the time where I have to be very specific in how I will get there. Without a detailed plan and the ability to make short term goals, then the bigger picture gets fuzzy and the end goal seems much more distant. Let me give an example. One of my goals at the beginning of the year was to be financially stable and feel good about how I handle my money. Due to circumstances with my previous job, it has made this resolution harder to become reality. Although I can see how my life will be when I get there, I can't be stupid with my money now and think that I will be OK. It requires sitting down, making a budget, developing short-term goals, and being very disciplined. Of course I would rather eat out a lot, go to the movies every day, and shop till I drop but that would be stupid at this point. Later on, once I am a best-selling author (or the next Oprah), I can enjoy the finer things in life. This is what my friend and I talked about yesterday and although I may not always want to hear it, I took it in and knew that it was truth in my life. This weekend I will be writing out my budget and plans for the remainder of the year.
For those of you who know what you want out of life, and especially if those desires seem out of reach, I strongly encourage you to see how you will realistically get there. I am all for positive thinking, dreaming big, and having a firm belief in the answer - but balance that with a realistic approach to how you will get there. This weekend, think about a goal you have made, and write out a step by step plan to how you will get there. Every time you achieve one of the steps, cross it off and keep going! In doing so, the "one step at a time" approach will make that dream a reality and your life will be more fulfilled!
Today I am grateful for: 1. Today being Friday 2. The delicious food I enjoyed at the potluck lunch at work 3. My coworkers - our team has so much fun 4. The real conversation yesterday 5. Setting small goals to accomplish the big goal
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