Thursday, July 28, 2011

It Takes Hard Work....

I am still adjusting to this new “working life” schedule and so there may be a few days here and there that I do not get a blog written.  For those who might be wondering, I did have a job before this one, but it consisted of afternoon and evening hours and more days off so now I am back on an 8-5 schedule.  My goal is to continue to get four to five blogs written each week but I wanted to give a disclosure up front if it does not happen.  I really do appreciate all of you that encourage me to keep writing.  I value all of the comments - good and constructive – and take it all into account as I write.  I am learning as I go, but really enjoy this new passion I have found.  Back to what I was saying - It’s not that I do not have the time but I have started taking a fitness class every day after work in our company gym.  Yesterday I did a circuit class and today I did a spinning class, both of which I have never done before.  For the past few days, I have felt exhausted and somewhat nauseous afterwards (is that normal?) so it takes a little time to recover and have the ability to think clearly – basically I am not as in shape as I used to be but you have to start somewhere!

One of my goals this year is to be the most in shape and healthy individual that I can be.  Yes, I have slacked some but I now have five months to make major improvements.  Since my company has a gym, there is no excuse.  I met with a trainer and he is devising a plan to help me achieve my goals.  Between the workouts and the fitness classes I should be ready for swimsuit modeling by Christmas.  I do genuinely want to accomplish this goal (the healthy body, not the swimsuit modeling) and what I have learned in the past is that it takes determination, persistence, and discipline. 

Anyone who has set a goal having to do with your body knows that you have to mentally know that you can do it.  If you believe that you will fail, then you probably will.  We can receive encouragement and motivation from others, but it really has to come from within for the plan to work.  It also requires persistence.  My goal is to not skip a day of working out but if I do, I cannot just wave the white flag and say it’s over.  I get back in there the next day and push myself a little more.  Part of a healthy body is eating healthy as well.  When I mess up on what I eat, then I do not just stop healthy eating altogether.  I make smarter choices for the next meal.  The last factor is discipline.  I cannot take fitness classes and run on the treadmill but then load up on cheeseburgers, pizza, French fries, and everything chocolate!  Although I do enjoy those foods from time to time (chocolate is daily of course) I have to make sure the majority of what I put into my body is good for me.  I may have to say no to certain foods because I know it is going to counteract the exercise.  My goal is not to lose weight, but junk food is junk food and my metabolism is not what it used to be.  That chocolate brownie sundae is not going to produce positive results for any of us (but oh, it’s so good!)

What goals have you set for this year?  What is the one thing that you really want to see happen over the next few weeks or months?  Are you putting in the time and effort required to see the result or are you being complacent and settling for less?  Determination, persistence, and discipline really pertain to any goal that we set.  If you have slacked off, decide today to make progress.  This is just one of my goals that I am determined to see happen and that is why tomorrow I will be attending the “rock hard abs” class – and probably crying like a girl through the whole thing. 

Today I am grateful for:  1.  Another great day of job training 2.  The quick bond that all of my fellow trainees have formed  3.   Surviving my fitness classes  4.  Optimism about accomplishing goals  5.  Positive changes happening in my life

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