Wednesday, January 4, 2012

This Is The Year - Serving Others!

If you were to write out your goals for the new year (and I hope that you DO write them down), how many of them are focused on yourself?  There is nothing wrong with that because we should constantly strive to improve our own lives but I do believe that part of that progression in life comes from serving others.  One of the best feelings comes out of helping others and seeing how it affects their life.  Although we may not see the end result, there is a satisfaction that comes from doing the right thing.  The truth is - we have all had people in our lives that showed kindness to us and therefore, we should do the same to others.  That is why I love the idea of paying it forward and plan to bring that idea to a new level in my own life this year. 

I ran across a website that is all about serving others and inspiring us all to do the same.  It is called Resolution12 and I encourage all of you to visit the site and participate!  The idea behind Resolution12 is to get us to think outwardly and resolve to help improve the lives of others this year.  The website is simple - read what others have decided to do this year to help others and then list your own.  There are a wide variety of ideas people have - from donating clothes to charity, to giving more financially, to complimenting more, to writing letters.  The common thread in each of them is that it answers the question - What little imprint can you make on the world?  Any chance to think more of others than ourselves is a great thing so I strongly encourage and challenge you to click on the link below and contribute your own idea - and stick with it! 


If you are like me, there are many times that we wish we participated more, volunteered more, said yes more but our busy lives sometimes get in the way of serving others.  One of my resolutions this year is to make the time, sign up to volunteer, say yes - make it happen!  I know that no matter what it requires of me, I will leave more fulfilled and more heart opened up wider to the possibilities in life.  As you write out your list for 2012, be sure to include serving others and begin thinking of very practical, very doable ways that you can help make the world a better place. 

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