Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 - This Is The Year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!  I hope that you all had a great holiday and are ready for a brand new year!  I love the feeling that January 1st brings - a new year, a clean slate, and the excitement of not knowing what lies ahead.  No matter if 2011 was the best year of your life, the worst year of your life, or somewhere in between (for me, it was somewhere in between) - it is now in the past and there is a renewed sense of possibility for all of us. 

I also want to welcome you to a new chapter and a new look for my blog.  If this is your first time reading, thanks so much for taking the time to check it out!  If you stuck with me last year and decided to come back for more, thank you as well - it means a lot!  I took the last week to really think about what I wanted my blog to accomplish.  My intention is still the same - to encourage, motivate, and inspire you in your journey as I share about what I am learning in mine.  However, I do plan to incorporate some new concepts to help keep things fresh and interesting.  My goal is to post four blogs a week (Monday - Thursday).  In the coming months, I hope to start doing one video blog a week.  This is in preparation for another goal of mine and I want to try it out here first and see how it goes.  My hope this year is that the blog will be entertaining, practical, motivational, and challenging.  A lot goes on in this head of mine and I love using this venue to express it.  However, I also know that there is a lot to learn from other people as well.  I plan on incorporating other people's stories as well in the hope that we can broaden ourselves even more to what life is all about.  Oh, and one more thing.  I am going to have a give-a-way each month for those who follow the blog - so make sure you are signed up!  I promise it will be good stuff - not leftover Christmas gifts I need to take back!

This week, I do plan to talk about the new year and what my own personal goals are for 2012.  No matter if you believe in resolutions or just think they are meant to be broken - I know that living out this year with purpose and determination helps to define the type of life we all want to live.  I can honestly say that parts of 2011 were not my best and parts of it were incredible but I am confident in the fact that 2012 is going to be a fantastic year!  This is the year for change.  This is the year to live with intention.  To be present in the moment, to use our lives to serve others, and maybe to even step out of our box and experience life in different ways.  Yes, I am excited about this new year and not only what it holds for myself but for so many others as well.  I hope that as you read this blog over the next year (and I hope that you do) that it will play a small part in helping you get the most out of life! 

Last year, I ended every post with the five things that I am grateful for that day.  This year, I am switching it up a little and will end each week with the five things I am grateful for that week.  Don't forget to become a follower so that you can participate in the give-a-ways (who doesn't like free stuff?!)  Thanks again for taking the time to be a part of my blog and I hope and pray that 2012 includes bigger dreams than we could ever dream for ourselves.

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