Thursday, January 5, 2012

This Is The Year - Pen and Paper Time!

There is one phrase that can be read in the prior three blogs that I have posted this week - write it down!  It was not a coincidence because I wanted to get the idea across to write it down!  I read earlier this week that a goal that is not written down is simply a wish.  I would have to agree.  Writing it down on paper makes it more real to us, it serves as a reminder, and it is also a visual way to put it out there in the world so that life can do its thing and make it a reality.  On a very practical level - if I do not write something down, I do not remember to do it.  Post-it notes and sharpie markers are one of my favorite things and are used quite frequently in my life.  Therefore, I would concur that writing it down makes it stick more in our minds which helps us to stay focused on the goal.  Yes, I came up with that last one all on my own!

Last year I had a vision board and printed off pictures of everything that I wanted to do that year and pasted them onto a poster board.  It is a creative way to visualize your resolutions.  This year I have decided to simply write them down - but on a poster board so that it stands out and as goals are accomplished I will mark them off of the big list.  However you decide to do it - I promise that writing it down will help bring the goals to life.   

One piece of advice before making it final with pen and paper - take some time to really think about what your goals for 2012 will be.  If you are like me, you can come up with many things that you think you want to accomplish.  The truth is, if you are not truly committed and passionate about the goal, it will probably not come true.  On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being "no desire" and 10 being "extremely passionate" each of your goals that your write down should be a 9 or 10.  My other piece of advice would be to make sure that a majority of your list is attainable and doable.  There should be one or two that are big dreams (we will talk more about those on a different day) but most should be resolutions that you feel are capable of being achieved.  The great thing about this is that as you accomplish your goals, it will motivate you to dream bigger and reach higher.  It will open your life up to possibilities that you never knew existed.

Write it down.  If you have not done so already, use the weekend to really decide what you want to accomplish with your life in 2012.  Write it down.  Find a good friend to share it with so that they can help keep you accountable and motivated.  Write it down.  As one goal is accomplished, cross it off and move to the next one.  Write it down.  As I said on Monday, I truly believe that this year is going to be fantastic for each of us so let's get started and experience all that life has to offer us!  And one more thing - write it down

This week, I am grateful for:  1.  A brand new year full of optimism and motivation  2.  The chance to help someone in need  3.  Being a part of my nephew's first haircut!  4.  Spending time with family and great friends  5.  Great things that are happening in my sisters' lives

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