Monday, March 5, 2012

A Mini-Staycation Was Just What I Needed

This past Thursday, I did something very spontaneous.  I was starting to feel slightly "burnt out" at work and began thinking about all the other things that I needed to get done outside of work.  Normally I would continue on working and just make the most of my next day off, but this time I chose to treat myself to some time off.  I felt myself getting a little crazy, so action was necessary!  When I left for lunch on Thursday, I decided to let that be my last hour of the working week.  I signed off my computer, called the necessary people to let them know I would be off the next couple of days, and ran out of the building before anyone could change my mind!  I felt so excited driving home - knowing that I had 3 1/2 days to do whatever I wanted!

It ended up being a full 3 1/2 days, but all activities that I wanted to do and had the time to enjoy doing them.  My little niece, Martha Ann, turned 3 and we all got together for her birthday extravaganza!  She loves to sing, but there is one song that she absolutely hates and that is the Happy Birthday song!  She will sing anything else - I even heard her singing Pitbull's, Give Me Everything, one day (so cute and slightly awkward) - but as soon as anyone begins that familiar birthday tune, she automatically starts crying -as in, full out screaming and crying!  So as she sat there looking very cute and ready to blow out her candles, we all stood around the table and sang Old McDonald Had A Farm.  It made for a different experience but she loved it and that was all that mattered!  Besides celebrating a 3 year old's birthday, I was also able to go out with one of my best friends - which is something we do not get to do often.  It was a fun night filled with stories, laughter, and "specialty drinks."  Crawling into my bed at 3AM, I was reminded why I do not do that as often anymore - but this was my staycation weekend and I decided to live it up!  I also found time to go to my neighborhood coffee shop and work on my new book and I am really excited about the progress being made there.  There is something about writing in a coffee shop that makes you feel like a "real writer."  I ended the weekend with normal chores - laundry, house cleaning, and Publix shopping.  It was a great mini-staycation and I feel very rested, rejuvenated, and ready for a new week!

You may be saying - why are you telling us this Kevin?  That is great that you were able to take time off and do what you wanted, but why would I really care?  I am actually a little too busy to even be reading this blog!  First of all Mr. or Mrs. Negative, this is my blog so I can share what I want!  (Just kidding - and in my head that sounded hilarious!)  I tell you about my experiences to follow up with what I wrote last week about finding balance in life and how when things get crazy, sometimes we need to do what it takes to regain that balance.  It might be taking a day off of work to just enjoy some much needed "me time".  It might be shipping the kids off to their grandparents' house for a sleepover in order to enjoy a night not being parents.  Maybe it is simply one hour of the day that you spend alone doing something you love - a good book, a favorite TV show, pinterest (I just started and it's a little addicting!).  It is probably safe to say that most of us lead very busy lives and if we are not careful, it is very easy to get overwhelmed and burnt out.  My encouragement is to not wait but make that time for yourself to maintain balance and sanity!

I hope you have a great week and lots of things coming up this month in my blog so stay tuned!