Tuesday, November 15, 2011

When Life's Whispers Become a Slap in the Face....

I have talked before about the whispers of life.  They happen all the time and they are subtle cues from life that help point us in the right direction.  It might be something someone says or does, or an opportunity that presents itself, or that intuitive feeling that says something is just not right.  However it happens, life's whispers help guide us and we have to be open to hearing it and following its lead.  Many times if we do not listen, then it becomes a louder voice in our lives.  Then there are times like Sunday that life simply slaps you in the face and tells you to wake up!

Writing is such a passion of mine and something I want to continually improve on and challenge myself to do more of.  For me, it is a way to creatively express my thoughts and hopefully encourage others to make the most of their own lives.  Earlier this year I started a new book project entitled Standing On The Edge.  The basis for the book is that many of us know what we want out of life but we are too afraid to really go after it.  We allow obstacles to get in the way and become a passive observer to life instead of an active participant.  I spent a lot of time working on various chapters and presenting a practical way to help overcome those obstacles and really live out the life we are meant to live.  Then I stopped.  I have to admit that I have not added one single word to the project in over six months.  I could give you a list of reasons why but when it comes down to it - they are simply excuses.  I allowed distractions to get in the way of pursuing a passion.   

At church Sunday, I had two distinct moments that really woke me up.  One was during the music.  As we were all singing, I felt such a love and gratitude for life build up inside me.  Throughout my life, both good and bad, there is the constant thread of God's love and faithfulness in my life.  Life has not always gone the way I hoped it would but I was reminded that it is not about me.  There is always a bigger picture and that force is always working to mold me into who I am meant to be.  The truth of that caused my eyes to tear up and I simply thanked God for every good and perfect gift in my life.  I was so motivated to live out my true calling in life and to not settle for mediocrity. 

The second moment came as Pastor Pete was speaking.  He spoke on fear and how it holds us back from experiencing a full life.  At one point he said that many of us just stay on the edge and are afraid to take a risk.  I am sure that those words spoke very different meanings for each person there, but for me it reminded me of my book project.  He said on the edge probably five or six different times and by the end I almost verbally said, "OK, I get it!  I need to get back to working on the book!"  I chose to just say it internally since everyone at church would have wondered what I was talking about - and I might have been quietly ushered outside.  When I believe in something I want to pursue it with everything I have and this book is something I know that I should do because it is a work within my own life and could help make a difference in others. 

What I have learned since then is not only did those words mean for me to get back to the book - it also meant that I need to stop standing on the edge in my own life.  What if the things in my life that I said were holding me back were simply excuses?  Am I allowing fear or situations or other people to keep me from moving forward in my own life?  It is time to lay those down and keep pursuing life with purpose and determination.  I have always been one to dream big and as I refine those dreams and focus in on what my purpose is - I know that those desires will become reality. 

My advice - listen to life's whispers instead of waiting for that slap in the face!

Today I am grateful for:  1.  Being so encouraged at church Sunday  2.  Great weather over the weekend  3.  Having the next two days off from work  4.  Really good friends that are in my life  5.  Continually learning from life's lessons

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