Thursday, January 27, 2011

Trusting in the answer...

So I want to start today's blog off with some good news!  I told you yesterday that my finances were tight this month and I kinda freaked out about it for a little while.  One of my goals for this year is to make more money than I ever have and really get control of all things financial.  I'm not wasteful when it comes to money, but I just really want to "be an adult" and make sure I'm doing well as far as savings, keeping my credit score up, and just being smart when it comes to money.  Today I got some news that will help me this year in that area!

First off - a funny story.  This morning after my focus time, I really prayed that I would just trust in the answer instead of the problem.  That prayer was for a few different things - money being one of them.  Afterwards, I signed on to my computer to check emails and stuff and when I signed on to facebook, this message popped up saying I had won $1,000!  Of course, I gasped at first - talk about a quick answer - but as I continued reading, I realized that I would have to participate in some kind of program and blah, blah, blah - I wasn't going to just receive cash like that ha!  Oh well, I also started working on my tax return for this year.  I was unemployed for a majority of last year, so I really was not expecting to get anything back this time around.  I was mainly just not wanting to have to pay.  I'm not done yet, but I'm already getting a lot more back than I expected so that made me very happy!  The other part of the answer is that I am considering getting a roommate this year.  A really great friend of mine is moving up here and we've been discussing the possibility.  He's moving up in August and so I knew that it would probably be a smart thing for me to go ahead with this.  I talked with him today and he said that there's a good possibility that he might be moving up earlier now - which would be great and help out even sooner!  It looks like this money goal that I made has a good chance of coming true this year - and that makes me happy and feel like I'm growing up :)

I definitely like being reminded of truths in life - and today and yesterday I was reminded to trust in the answer, not the problem.  Part of trusting in the answer is taking action when problems arise.  You can't just sit around waiting for something to happen - you gotta get out there and do something! 

Today I am grateful for:  1.  A day off from work to get things done  2.  Being reminded to trust in the answer  3.  Good news about money  4.  The beautiful sunset tonight  5.  Having 2 minutes of meditation (we'll talk about that later)

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