Friday, January 21, 2011

Today's theme - productivity!!

I'm very glad to report in that it was a very productive day!  I did sleep in a little bit longer than normal but once I got up, the day was on!  I did my normal morning routine - shaving, brushing my teeth, flossing, making my bed, and focus time (which has to be done in that order every day).  I had a bowl of apple-cinnamon cheerios for breakfast and then it was P90X time.  Today's workout was all cardio and as usual, I was a sweaty mess by the end of it (and drinking water like there's no tomorrow).  After the work-out, it was shower time and then out to run errands. 

After the errands, I decided to spend the afternoon at Panera Bread and brought my computer to get some things done.  I wrote out a detailed plan for how I could get some progress made on some of my 2011 goals.  One of the goals I am working on is getting the book I wrote, The Journey, published.  It is definitely one of my proudest accomplishments and I had it self-published last year but now I want to see if a publisher could help me make it available to a wider audience.  I am going to send the manuscript to a few literary agents and publishers to see what kind of feedback I receive.  I also believe in trying to get a "big break" so I sent a copy of the book to Hoda and Kathie Lee from the Today show.  That might seem crazy, but you never know if you don't try!  And I like the 4th hour of the Today show!  I ended up staying at Panera for about 3 hours and had about 4 cups of coffee so I was pretty wired after all that!

Tonight's dinner was seared tilapia on a bed of spinach and a mixture of asparagus, zucchini, and squash that I made.  I really enjoy cooking and haven't done it in awhile - so I went to my favorite store Publix and bought everything.  I have to say it was really delicious and healthy too! 

So today was productive and I only watched 1-hour of TV (I'll let you decide what show that was).  Tomorrow I'm planning on hanging out with friends and getting a few more things done on my "to-do" list.  Hope everyone has had a great day!

Today I am grateful for:  1.  Sleeping in  2.  A good workout  3.  Some great ideas while at Panera  4.  A delicious and healthy meal  5.  Excitement about the future

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like such a good day! I.m excited about the book publishing,! And if you get to go see kathy lee & hoda I.m going with u!! :)
