I need to admit that over the last few weeks, I felt as though I had lost myself. With a few frustrations in life, being sick for a week, and just not feeling it - I was having a hard time finding the "half glass full" kind of attitude that I pride myself on for having. I have definitely had writer's block and anytime I sat down to either blog or work on my book - nothing. My mind easily drifted and I just shut my laptop because the words were definitely not flowing from my mind to my fingers.
Then today, everything changed! It was almost in an instant, but I felt a surge of the good life return and my entire being changed. I was driving and I turned up the music, started dancing and singing and I literally said out loud - There I am! There's the Kevin that loves life! I know it's weird and had you passed me on the road, you for sure would have laughed - or joined me in singing! All of my problems were not fixed but I saw my life from a much better perspective. So many good things are going on and there is a light at the end of the tunnel for those things that have frustrated me. It was more of an inner peace that reminded me that life is good. That moment of encouragement was needed and I am grateful for it.
Tonight, what I have been reminded of is that many times life happens in waves. There is the ebb and flow of life and the truth is - that is OK! Of course, we all prefer life when it is perfect, the flowers are blooming, and people walk around singing to each other - but let's face it, that is not real life! Sometimes we just go through a funk and we need to go through it so that we can come out of it stronger and more motivated to live out our journey.
Maybe life is great for you right now. Maybe life sucks for you right now. Maybe you are at a happy medium. Wherever you are - see it for what it really is and know that it's OK. And if it helps, get in the car and do a little singing and dancing - it definitely helped me!
Hope everyone has a great weekend and I will see you back here on Monday!
Love you, Kevin...and love your words!