Monday, March 12, 2012

Back In The Land Of The Living!

Life definitely has a sense of humor.  My last post was written one week ago today and I talked about my mini-staycation and how I was rejuvenated, refreshed, reenergized, and ready for the week ahead!  That night I went to bed feeling great and awoke hours later feeling quite the opposite.  For the next six days I endured either the flu or a flu-like illness.  I cannot say with certainty what I had because I have never had the flu and I never made it to the doctor to have this sickness official declared but from what I saw when I googled my symptoms, it all pointed to the flu.  Let me strongly advise against "googling" your symptoms because after reading various sites I knew that I either had the flu or some terrible disease that would probably give me hours to live!  Whatever I had was not fun, it drained every ounce of energy I had from my body, and I feel as though I missed an entire week of my life.  I was almost ready to wave the white flag, but I did finally recover.  I do not make a very good sick person and quickly got very bored - but I can tell you what shows to watch from sun up to sun down in case you ever need to know!  So I guess the week was not a total waste, right? 

However, today I am back and ready to welcome life and all of its happiness!  I really did miss blogging for a week.  I attempted to write one while I was sick, but it quickly made no sense and was more doom and gloom than my normal love life motto so I deleted it.  I am looking forward to getting back to writing on a regular basis and continuing to share my journey with all of you.  I do not have as much to say today, but just wanted to touch base and let you know I was still here.  We are in the third week of March so there are plenty of things still to look at this month and I will cover it all.  I hope that all of you are doing well and have not been affected by the flu or the flu-like illness - I hear it's going around!  Meet me back here tomorrow and we will get back in the groove.

Happy Monday Everyone! 

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