Thursday, December 8, 2011

What Do You Want To Do Before You Die?

The above is a link to an article that I encourage all of you to read.  It describes a creative way that one person used to help others visualize their goals and to see what really matters to them.  It just takes a couple of minutes to read so go ahead and read it now..... seriously, click on the link!

I believe that we all have things that we want to do before we die.  I know I do.  Some of mine are crazy - like sky diving, have one million dollars in the bank, or run through a nude beach (not stay there, just run through it!).  Some are very goal oriented - like having a published book, tracing my family history, or reading the Bible in a year.  Then there are those that hold a lot of meaning to me - like starting Pay It Forward events in Nashville, volunteering with local organizations, or being a dad.  Whatever your list would be - there is a reason for each one and I love it whenever I can mark something off the list!  I believe that these "life lists" help us to get the most out of life and to keep reaching for more. 

Although I do not watch a lot of MTV these days, there was a show that came on called The Buried Life.  It was based on this question of what do you want to do before you die.  Four college guys traveled around the country marking things off of their own lists.  The great thing about this show was that every time they marked something off of their list, they helped someone else mark something off of theirs.  There were great things like reuniting family members, helping others overcome fears, and giving opportunities to others for their dream jobs.  It was fun to see these guys accomplish their own goals but the idea of giving back to others and being used to help others reach their goals makes it even more encouraging.  As a certain someone that I love says many times - it is nice to see good things happen in your own life, but it is even better when you can share it with others!

I hope that we all have the intention of living our lives in a way that it gives hope and light to others.  We must exist in such a way that after we die, that goodness still goes out into the world and continues on after we are gone.  I saw an example of this yesterday that brightened my whole day.  My father passed away seven years ago.  My mom sent me a text yesterday saying that she had met a couple of guys that work for the same company that he did.  When Mom told them about dad, they said that although they never met him they knew exactly who he was and heard about all of the good things that he did while working for that company.  I was so encouraged by this - not surprised because my dad was one of the greatest examples to me of living life with purpose and impacting others - but encouraged to hear how his legacy continues on.  Although some of the things on my list are just "stupid stuff" I do hope that my life is lived in such a way that continues to make a difference long after I am gone. 

Although December causes us to first think of Christmas, it also means that another year is coming to a close and a new beginning is just around the corner.  I already have ideas and goals for 2012 which I will talk about later, but I want to challenge everyone to come up with your list of things that you want to do before you die.  Of course - I am a fan of writing it down because it is a great visual, but even if you do not, it is great to have these goals and work on crossing them off the list.  Come up with some fun things, meaningful things, and those events that would take some hard work to accomplish.  One thing I do know is that as you cross something off your list, it will motivate you to reach for something bigger!  What do you want to do before you die?

Today I am grateful for:  1.  A day off from work  2.  Getting a lot of things done  3.  Some time to relax and watch my shows  4.  Hearing great Christmas music on the radio  5.  Continuing to hear how dad's life makes a difference

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