Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Random Thoughts....

You know you are getting old when certain words will just not come to mind.  I knew that today's blog would consist of a lot of unrelated thoughts that had been going on in my head - but I could not think of the word to describe that!  Rambling kept coming to my mind.  I knew it started with an R but for two days I could not think of it.  It was only after reading someone else's blog that that I saw random in their post and I finally breathed that sigh of relief that this most important word found its way back into my vocabulary.  So here are some random thoughts about the last few days....

1.  I had a really good weekend enjoying some "me" time.  It has been awhile since I have had the house to myself and Saturday night I decided to make the most of it.  Here are some components that make up a really good Kevin night:  I spent the first part sitting on the couch with just the lights of the Christmas tree on (mesmerizing - to use my word from a previous post), drinking hot chocolate and watching Oprah's lifeclass.  I was one happy guy as I sat hypnotized by the lights, warm from holding my oversized mug of hot cocoa, and inspired by the stories from my girl, Oprah!  Can't you just picture it? 

Afterwards, I decided that I needed my fix of Blue Coast Burrito (a neighborhood favorite) so I walked to the restaurant  - correction, it was 25 degrees outside that night so I RAN to the restaurant to get my favorite chicken burrito filled with all the best ingredients - cheese, pico, lettuce, hot salsa, onions, cilantro, chives, and cucumbers.  I filled my bag with chips and various containers from the salsa bar (pineapple, tomatillo, hot, and mild) and to complete the perfect meal, a Dr. Pepper.  I ran back home which was a sight I'm sure as I held on tight to my bag of goodies, and enjoyed one of my favorite meals - I am sure it would be in the top 5 if I had to choose a last meal.  It was a much needed night of good food, good shows, and good relaxation. 

2.  Sunday was one of the most productive days I have had in a long time!  I did not make it to church (I know - gasp!) but I woke up in one of those - high energy, need to be productive moods.  I decided to start with cleaning and gave my house a "Kevin cleaning" which means EVERYTHING gets cleaned, some things get thrown away, and the result is a very visible difference!  I have also done these types of cleanings at my sisters' houses which they love - but I do tend to throw out stuff that they later ask me where it is.  I put some high energy music on and got to work!  I was dancing and singing and cleaning which is the only way to do it.  I have a lot of fun and I am sure if anyone were to peek in my windows they would have had a good laugh!  After cleaning I got all of the laundry done, all of the dishes washed, and even gave Axel (the dog) a much needed bath.  By the end of the day I about fell out, but the finished product was well worth it!  One of my favorite things to do is sit down and know that my house is completely clean and all chores have been done. 

3.  Lastly, I need to mention that I went back to the gym for the first time in about a month yesterday.  The gym I go to is at my work and recently some of the nice gym workers had been asking where I had been.  I noticed that I had started running the other way when I saw them coming - which gave me a small workout so that was good, right?  I decided to finally go back and my body was definitely telling me that I had not been in awhile.  I found myself looking for the kiddie weights and wondering why I had worked up a sweat so early in the routine!  I know the results I want for my body and in order to get there I have to stay consistent with working out.  I cannot just go once a month and expect a killer body to just appear.  (Let's be honest, I have never had a killer body, but it was at least getting pretty decent before).  I could make this a metaphor for life and I am sure a great blog is in here somewhere but let's just be practical - I am getting older and working out is becoming more of a necessity than just a desire.   

After reading back through this I noticed that maybe there is a reason why the word rambling kept coming to my mind.  This is definitely just me talking, talking, talking - but it is what has been going on in my life and I needed to get it out there.  I hope everyone has a great day and is making the most of the holiday season!

Today I am grateful for:  1.  A really great, productive weekend  2.  Christmas cards I get in the mail - they always make me smile  3.  Lots of laughter today at work  4.  A very encouraging text message from a friend this morning  5.  Finishing a great book today - Extremely Lodd & Incredibly Close

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