Thursday, October 13, 2011

I Might Need a Drink....

Today has really been one of those days that I was jut ready for it to end at about lunch.  At work I deal with customers all day long and although most of it includes good interactions, I seemed to get more than enough... how shall we say... challenging personalities today!  Most of the time I just let it roll off, but people were in full form today and at one point I just wanted a margarita!  However, work is over and I can let that go and enjoy the remainder of my night.

As you know, I am a big fan of Oprah and I have been really excited about her new show on OWN that started this week.  It is called Oprah's Lifeclass, and she is taking lessons that she learned from her talk show and sharing those with us, the viewer.  Of course it has been really good so far and she has dealt with topics such as:  our ego, forgiveness, and being our true selves.  I am going to try and not copy her show into my blog each night (although it's tempting) but rest assured that there will be some mentions of it when I feel it necessary. 

The one lesson I did want to mention tonight is forgiveness.  The definition used is this - forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different.  As we have all heard before, forgiveness is more for ourselves than the person you actually forgive.  Holding grudges can eat away at you and if not dealt with, can destroy your life.  Have you ever been mad at someone and then see them and they seem to have moved on with their life while you are left holding on to that anger?  Forgiveness does not mean that what happened is OK; but rather it allows you to continue on with your life -  free from the grip of anger and hurt.  It is not an easy thing to do, but I can attest to the fact that life is much better lived in freedom than in anger.  I have been mad at people in my life before and will just let it boil inside me for some time.  Then I have to remember - this is only hurting me and ruining my day!  Once I confront the issue, forgive, and move on - I literally feel lighter and so much happier. 

In order to experience all that we are meant to be in life, we need to make sure we are not holding on to any anger or hurt towards anyone.  Yes, people in our life are going to hurt us just as we will hurt others - we are human, so it happens.  We may not be able to control what happens to us and other people's behaviors - but we can control how we react and what we do with that situation.  We have all experienced great forgiveness in our lives - be sure to give that to others. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will see you back here on Monday!  I am going to pass on the margarita tonight - maybe some nachos will do the trick instead!

Today I am grateful for:  1.  Being reminded of good things in my life even on a not-so-good day  2.  Getting a good workout in at lunch - good stress reliever  3.  Receiving a picture of my nephew Wylie on my phone - always makes me smile  4.  Forgiveness that I have received in my own life  5.  Looking forward to a great weekend

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