I wanted to use my blog tonight to refer you to other blogs that I really like. I was turned on to the idea of blogging by reading others and I know that those who write one put a lot of work into it and so any way that I can help - I'm all for it! So below is a link and a brief description. Enjoy!
1. http://www.southernchampagnewishes.com/ My good friend Anna started a blog and actually is one of the main ones that encouraged me to start my own. Although she is not able to currently write, it is still a great blog to read! She gives her view on life, products that she uses, and always includes a picture of the shoes she wore that day.
2. http://wwwmyspiritualgifts.blogspot.com/ Beth has always been a great encourager of mine when I blog and I was really excited when she decided to start her own! It includes great devotionals and encouraging words from her own point of view. Be sure and check it out for a great way to start the day!
3. http://www.thewanderingparent.blogspot.com/ If you are a parent with small children, you will definitely want to check out this new blog! Ryan is a father of two small girls and he and his wife will be giving out reviews and info on restaurants, hotels, and other places of interest - all from a parent's point of view!
4. http://famjordan.blogspot.com/ Anna's blog is inspiring and includes the cutest pictures of her two little girls. She gives us a glimpse into their life as a family. You will love reading it and hearing about all of the events that happen in the day to day life of the Jordan's.
5. http://thetransparentlife.blogspot.com/ I am all about honesty and love it when someone gives a real perspective about life - the good, bad, and ugly. If you feel the same way, check out Ashley's blog! Her writings are honest and she is able to say a lot of things that others just think - it's a great read!
6. http://loolabee.blogspot.com/ My friend Shaundra has a great blog that is all about creativity! She gives reviews on unique things that she finds as well as access to her own line of products! I highly recommend it and I am sure you will find great ideas not only for yourselves, but gifts for others! Take a look and read about her own take on simplicity!
7. http://rachelheldevans.com/ This blog was referred to me by my sister, Christy and I wanted to pass it along! She is a great example of one who started off a simple blog and has now turned it into a career! She has a unique perspective on life and covers a variety of topics!
If I did not include your blog tonight, just know that it is coming! I realized that there are a lot of blogs that I follow and so I will include another "Referral Blog" in the near future. If you have any that you would like to recommend, just leave it in the comment section or on my facebook page and I will make sure and include it next time. I only include blogs that I have read before.
Thanks again for all who visit my blog and read about my own perspective on this thing called life!
Today I am grateful for: 1. A great weekend to have fun and relax. 2. Christy, Jordan, Martha Ann, and Wylie going to the zoo on Saturday - seeing Martha Ann's face as she sees some of the animals for the first time! 3. Getting some really good news at work today 4. Other blogs that I read that encourage, inspire, and enhance life 5. The opportunity to use my blog not only as my own therapy but hopefully to encourage others
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