I am going to be honest. I found this "blog in progress" from a couple of months ago. I never finished it but I thought it would work well for today. I am 36 years old and proud of it! As I look back at my journey so far, there are many life experiences I have had, lessons I have learned, and goals I have accomplished. I like writing things out so I thought I would share some lessons I have learned from my own life about my own self, others, and life in general.
> One of the most powerful forces in life is a spirit of gratitude. I am convinced that staying focused on what is good in life will bring about even better things. It would take countless pages to write down all the things that I am grateful for, but each day I am reminded of what truly is good in life - and that every good and perfect gift comes from God. I have said it many, many times before but I encourage each of you to write down five things every day that you are grateful for - it will greatly enhance your life - I promise!
> Family is something we should never take for granted. I was blessed to have a father who led by example and even though he is not physically here with us, he still makes an impact on my life. I have a mom who encourages and prays for me daily - and makes a difference in the lives of others on a daily basis. I have two sisters that mean the world to me and a little niece and nephew who bring a new joy to life every time I see them. I know that all families are not as close and for some it may not be the biological people that you call family. We should never miss an opportunity to show love to whomever we call family.
> Friendships are vital to a fulfilled life. I have true friendships that are genuine, loyal, and trustworthy. I have friends that are also crazy and make life a lot of fun. We all need people in our life that truly know us for who we are and even at our worst, still call us their friend.
> When someone shows you who they are - believe them! This lesson is so true and if applied correctly, can help to surround yourself with the right people and weed out those who would not benefit your life. I have learned this lesson many times want to scream it out to others!
> There is a lot of fun to be had in life! I do not take myself too seriously (Tuesday's blog may make you think differently) but I really do have a lot of fun with life and love to see the humorous side. If life gets you down, if you are stressed, if someone puts the toilet paper on the roll the wrong way - take a deep breath, turn up some music, and dance! My little niece loves to dance and it reminds me to have fun with life - it's hard to dance with a frown, right?
> Chocolate is truly a great love in my life! Especially dark chocolate! It seriously has such a positive effect on my attitude and just life in general. I get excited when I see it, and it always puts a smile on my face. Who's with me?!
> Life does not always go according to plan. When I look back over the years, there are many moments that did not go as I thought they would, but what I have learned is that you cannot give up - you must keep going and it will get better. As someone who likes to be in control, this is not always easy but when I look back at certain moments that did not go as I thought they needed to - it turned out much better than I could have planned. Remember - God has a bigger dream for us than we can dream for ourselves. And we never know when a small detour in the road will lead us to something great!
> Instead of judging others for their differences, we should celebrate it! As I have become more of my authentic self, I have become even more aware that uniqueness is a beautiful thing and that in our differences we are actually united. We are all much more similar than we are different. As we talked about yesterday, get to know someone who is different than you. It will broaden your life and allow you to see the world for what it truly is.
What have you learned in your own life? Because none of us are perfect (I know - it's a hard truth to learn!) and life is a journey filled with unknowns - we all learn as we go. If you have a particular lesson that we can benefit from I would love to hear about it! Leave it in the comments below. Don't forget that February 1st is a drawing for a Target gift card - make sure you are a follower of this blog and we will see who the big winner is next Wednesday!!
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