Tuesday, January 3, 2012

This Is The Year - Be The Change!

This is the time of year when gyms are overcrowded, weight loss programs skyrocket, and get out of debt programs are put into place.  The feeling of "I can do it!" is in the front of everyone's mind.  You know what I am talking about.  We tell everyone our resolutions, put them on facebook (which makes it real) and how dare anyone tell us it won't last this time.  With such determination and "confidence" why is that by February or March, so many gyms are abandoned, junk food has made a triumphant return in our lives, and swiping the credit card is something we do without even thinking!  At that point, we like to just sweep it all under the rug in hopes that no one remembers what we so joyously proclaimed only weeks earlier.  There's always next year, right?

I am a very goal-oriented person and work best that way.  However, as I look back at some of the goals I had for 2011, I see that I did not cross everything off the list.  There was no half-marathon run and I do not have an award-winning show on YouTube yet (and the Emmy goes to.....).  I can come up with excuses as to why these things did not happen, but they are simply that - excuses.  I did accomplish a lot of my goals and for that I am grateful.  However, as I have been pondering what 2012 will hold for my life and what I would like to see happen I have been reminded of a few important things that I think can apply to all of us who like to make resolutions.  First - make sure and refine your list.  I am one who likes to dream big and can think of hundreds of things I would like to happen each year.  This year, I have narrowed down the list and am trying to only choose a few goals that are realistic and attainable.  That's not to say that I stop dreaming big (and I hope that you all do) but we may have to take smaller steps to get there.  Secondly, I need to truly believe in what I resolve to do this year.  Sometimes we might jump on the bandwagon of a particular goal simply because everyone else is doing it.  Do not decide to lose weight unless it is what you really want to do.  Do not decide to run a marathon unless you believe in it and are willing to put in the work.  Make sure that what you decide to do is something that you are passionate about and find meaning in seeing it become a reality. 

Once you come up with your list of goals for 2012, write them down (that's a very important step that we will talk about later in the week) and then start working on making them come true.  Put the plan into action.  Take the small steps.  Decide to have a persistent determination that will not give up.  What I have learned in life is that if you want something - you have to make it happen.  If you wish things were different in the world, we have to begin now living out that change.  You cannot just sit around and wait.  You have to be the change. 

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