Thursday, March 24, 2011

Great transitions and lots of parenthesis...

I just got home from work a little while ago and with not much time before midnight - this one will have to be short and sweet.  I did not post anything yesterday mainly because a conversation with a friend caused so much to swirl around in my head that I could not figure out how to write about it.  It's all good now, but for a guy like me who does not have many buttons - when one gets pushed, it's not pretty.  This friend knows who he is and knows that I at least had to make mention of it in the blog world ha! 

Just a couple of quick observations though:  In a matter of one day, we have gone from warm summer-like days to cold winter nights!  I do enjoy cooler weather, but I was really getting used to the warm temperatures.  My neighborhood was starting to come alive with runners and dog-walkers.  I had lunch with a friend the other day and we sat outside at the restaurant - love that!  Speaking of eating, if you have a Cheesecake Factory anywhere close to you - try the 30th anniversary cheesecake that they have right now.  If you love chocolate (and we all know that I do) then you will love it!  I could not finish eating all of it - but I really wanted to.  And speaking of finishing, I still have a few things left on my "to-do" list from last week (Extreme Week).  I am hoping to get all of that done over the next few days so that I can give an update on my New Year's goals and how things are progressing there.  I have a couple of new ideas (I'm always coming up with something new to try) that I am seeking help and advice with but could be exciting and help keep things in line with my dreams. 

I have to say that the previous paragraph had great transitions and lots of parenthesis haha!  Hope everyone is having a great week!

Today I am grateful for:  1.  A self-examining conversation I had with my button-pusher friend (I didn't like it but I guess it's good to get other's perspective of your own life at times)  2.  Hearing that Mamaw is still improving well from her stroke  3.  Seeing a video of Wylie rolling over for the first time!  4.  Laughing really hard with a friend tonight talking about our crazy lives  5.  New things that life brings

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