Monday, October 3, 2011

Getting Back Up....

This past Sunday was another inspiring and encouraging day at church.  Pastor Pete spoke on the topic of solitude which I do want to talk more about later this week, but I wanted to focus on one verse that he mentioned that I don't believe I have ever read - but it really encouraged me as I pursue my own journey.  This is also connected with last Monday's blog about knowing that God has a better plan in store for our lives. 

When you look back over your life, are there moments that did not go exactly as planned?  Are there times that you may have made poor choices and had to reap those consequences?  Or were there times that life knocked you down and you found it hard to want to keep going?  I would bet that each of us could answer yes to these questions.  Pursuing the good life means that there will be ups and downs - that is simply the reality of life itself.  I can look back over my own life and see times that for whatever reason, life did not go as I had hoped that it would.  This past year is an example of that.  I do not mind saying that I lost my job and my car in a matter of a couple of months.  That was definitely a setback for me, but my new job already has me moving in the right direction again so I am thankful for that and know that a car will be coming soon (for now, I'm saving on gas, right?).  We all know that in today's economy, many people have had setbacks in life and are having to work hard to get back on track or even find a job.  There are many other situations that I know we all are going through that simply make life hard. 

Pastor Pete read this verse on Sunday.  Proverbs 24:16 - The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again.  I found this to be so encouraging.  When life does not happen as we thought it would, we MUST get back up again.  Sometimes it is easy to look at other people's lives and wonder how they have it so easy.  The truth is, they may not.  We all experience tough times, but we must remember to get back up again.  Find strength in knowing that it will get better.  One thing I know for sure when it comes to life - it is what we make of it and if we want to truly experience the best life possible, then we must keep pursuing the higher goal, even when times are hard.  Getting back up again may mean that if we fail the first time, we keep trying.  It may mean that we keep the bigger picture in mind when obstacles come our way.  It might mean getting out of bed the next day when life is hard.  What I love about looking back over my life so far is that even though there have been hard times - the good far outweighs the bad and it strengthens my belief in why I am here on earth.  I do believe in focusing on the good, but the truth is sometimes life is hard.  If you have a bad day, a bad week, or a moment that knocks you down - do not forget to get back up again. 

The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. 

Today I am grateful for:  1.  The cooler weather - I love it!  2.  A really good weekend  3.  Getting to have dinner with Cara Saturday night  4.  Church on Sunday  5.  The reminder to keep pursuing the best life possible 

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