Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Least Favorite Word

Just a couple of things before we get started...

1.  Next Thursday, March 1st is our next give-a-way!!  I will be giving one of Rachel Ray's 30 Minute Cookbooks to one of my followers of the blog.  I have tried many of the recipes and they really are quick, easy, and delicious!  Being a lover of food, I found it fitting to share great recipes with one of you!  So make sure you are a follower by clicking on the link to the right and I will announce the winner on March 1st!

2.  Thanks to those of you who have responded to the new idea on my blog - What's Your Story.  It is something I am trying where I will share other people's stories so that we can learn, be encouraged, and lets' face it - hear about someone else's life besides mine all the time (so says one of my best friends)!  If you would like to participate, simply send an email to and I will send you a simple questionairre to fill out and return to me.  I plan to begin posting them next month!

So what would you say is one of your least favorite words?  There are certain words that I do not like for various reasons such as - belly (it just sounds weird to me), buddy (never call me that - I use that word for little kids and dogs), tore my stomach up (I HATE it when people say that).  I know there are others but those are the first ones that came to mind. 

But there is a word that is used every day by many people that I really do not like.  It is a boring, overused word that really has no meaning and does not give me any more information about a person than when we started.  That word is fine.  How are you doing?  I'm fine (ugh -so boring!)  How was your day?  It was fine (that tells me nothing!)  How was your 14 day, perfect weather, all expenses paid Hawaiian vacation?  It was fine (just shoot me now!).  The word fine could be good or bad - we really do not know.  What about when you make someone mad and then try to make it better and they say - "Don't worry about it, it's fine" in that very condescending way.  So annoying! 

I wish that this very bland word could be taken out of our vocabulary.  I think it has become such a habit for people to respond with I am fine that they do not even hear what they are saying.  Yes, I know that even saying how are you is just a figure of speech sometimes because we really do not care - it is just something you say after hello.  Just please give me something other than fine.  I'm good, I'm great, I'm wondeful, I'm not so good, I'm mad, I'm annoyed  - anything to me is better than fine.  Let's try to break the pattern of how are you - I'm fine.  The next time someone asks you - give them a more descriptive word!  I can promise that if you ask me - you will not hear the F word coming out of my mouth!

So today is the day to get rid of the F word (and belly, buddy, and that other phrase)!  No more boring, repetitive, mediocre answers!  We are anything but fine!

Have a great weekend and I will see you back here on Monday!!!!!

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