Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How Did You Spend Your "Extra Day"?

It happens once every four years and today was the day - we all had 24 extra hours for the year 2012!  I wish I had prepared more for this day and really made the most of it.  It is an "extra day" and I think that it should be celebrated by doing something out of the ordinary, being extra productive, or just having a party!  (Leap year drinks anyone?)  I say in 2016, we make the most of February 29th, take the day off from work, and do something great - who's with me!

Warning:  History Lesson Today!

I have to admit that I have never educated myself on the reason there is a leap year and how it came about.  Today I read an article in USA Today that explained how this originated in 46 B.C. when the Roman ruler Caesar added a leap day to the calendar every four years.  This wasn't done just for fun.  Astronomers came to the conclusion that the Earth does not circle the sun in exactly 365 days.  By adding this extra day every four years it kept the season more in line.  (Hang on, I'm almost done - don't run away!)  This worked until the 1500s when the seasons began getting out of sync again so in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII created the newest calendar that we still use today and began leap year again in 1584.  Without leap year, over time the seasons would not line up correctly with the year and everything would get very confusing!  So a big "thank-you" to Caesar and Pope Gregory XIII for keeping our lives from getting too crazy!

Yes, you are very welcome for that very informative history lesson today.

About 5 million people worldwide share this special day as their birthday.  I know one of those - my sister, Christy!  She, along with 5 million other people, actually has a REAL birthday today.  I remember when she was younger, we would tease her and say that if it was not a leap year we did not have to get her a birthday present because she did not really have a birthday (we laughed about it- she cried).  Today, I am wishing my sister an extra special Happy Birthday!  She turns "8" today - you can do the math.  Christy is one of those special people that makes the world a better place for all of those who know her.  She is very talented, intelligent, organized, a peacemaker, enjoys life, and although she knows what her purpose is in the world - she does not realize how much of a positive impact she makes on so many people!  She is a supportive and encouraging wife, an amazing mother to my two favorite little people, a genuine friend to many, and I love the fact that I call her my sister! Happy Birthday Christy!

Christy and I back in the day - please notice Christy's hair style and my clothing choice! 
And yes, that is a camera hanging from my neck!
Tomorrow is my next GIVE-A-WAY!!  If you love to cook, you will love the Rachael Ray cookbook I am giving to one lucky reader!  All that is required is that you are a "follower" of the blog, so if you are not simply click on the link to the right and I will announce the winner tomorrow!  I am also posting a hilarious video that Oprah made with Jimmy Kimmel.  It is Oprah like you have never seen her before!

Hope you all enjoy this "extra day"!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Little Off Kilter, Out Of Whack, And Not Balanced

After writing yesterday's post about life being silent, I began to think about other reasons that might cause life to not seem as in sync as it could.  (Did anyone else just think *NSYNC?  Just me?  Ok - moving on then).  Today was a beautiful day here in Nashville and I decided to leave work a couple of hours early so that I could go for a run and enjoy being outside.  As soon as I got home, I changed into my running clothes, laced up my sneakers, pressed "play" on my iPod and took off!  After a few minutes I remembered how much I enjoy running and how it is not only a way to stay healthy, but also a way to relieve stress and free my mind.  Running is one of the very few times in my life where I experience a time to clear my thoughts.  Most of the time, my brain is working overtime with all kinds of random thoughts (it is crazy in my head sometimes - not psycho killer crazy, just random crazy) but when I run, I can usually get to a place where I zone out and just simply run.  As Katy Perry was singing in my ear (love her new song!), all the frustrations and doubts faded away and I really began to focus more on what is good in my life and what is needed to overcome any obstacles in my way.  Running is when a majority of my ideas are formed - because that is when I am thinking very clearly. 

What I realized tonight as I ran was that my life had been somewhat out of balance the last few weeks.  Yesterday I mentioned that it had been a few weeks since I had been to church.  It had also been a couple of weeks since I had been running.  I have not spent much time working on my new book either.  I had not been as focused on what is important to me and that was causing me to get a little crazy (hence, the painting above).  Yes, there are times that life happens and twenty four hours is simply not enough time to get it all done.  Other people need us, situations come up, and life does not always follow our schedule.  We cannot beat ourselves us when that happens but we also have to know what is needed in our lives to try and stay balanced.  For me, running is a great way for me to stay balanced.  Going to church helps to feed what is needed on the inside and to remind me of what life is truly about.  Writing is a way for me to express what is going on in my head and exercise a talent I believe God has given me.  These things along with others help promote a healthy, much needed balance in my life and out of that comes postive growth. 

For you, it could be many other things.  You know what they are.  I almost feel guilty sometimes saying that my life is too busy because I am single with no kids and many of you have much more on your plate than I do.  However, I believe that we can all relate to that feeling when things just seem to not be in alignment.  My guess would be that when we feel that way, we need to stop and think about what is missing that causes us to be out of balance.  It is not selfish to take a little time for yourself - whether it's five minutes or an entire day.  Make sure that you are allowing yourself the opportunity to recharge and refocus so that we can be used to make a difference in the world around us. 

Find the balance. 

This Thursday, March 1st is the next GIVE-A-WAY!!!!!!  One lucky reader will win one of my favorite cookbooks - Rachael Ray's 30 Minute Meals!  Make sure you are a follower and I will announce the winner in 2 days!!!  I am also going to share a video from the Jimmy Kimmel show this past Sunday - if you didn't see it and you love Oprah like I do, you will want to watch!

Monday, February 27, 2012

When Life Is Silent

After missing church for three weeks, I had been looking forward to going back yesterday.  I love my church and it is a highlight of my week to learn, to worship, to feed my soul, and to be challenged.  Yesterday was no exception.  Pastor Pete spoke on the topic of God being silent in our lives.  It was a great message and I encourage all of you to check it out at 

I wanted to talk about it today because it is something I am going through myself.  When I look back at my life thus far, I can see times where life was moving forward, goals were being accomplished, prayers were being answered, and I was taking in each moment and savoring its worth.  There have been other times where I felt very disconnected from others, unsure about the future, very challenged with life, and as if my prayers were just being tossed around in the wind.  I have to be honest and say that right now in my life I feel as though I am a mixture of all of this.  There are many great things going on in my life and I do believe that I know my life's purpose and the direction it should be going.  There are also areas in my life that I feel very frustrated and that no matter how much I pray, God is simply silent on any kind of an answer.  It is in those moments that it is very easy for me to struggle with thoughts of self-pity and frustration and desperately hoping for a change. 

As Pastor Pete spoke yesterday on this very topic, I was reminded that it is in the silence where our faith, our hope, and our trust is tested.  I do not believe that God causes bad things to happen in our lives, but I do believe that He allows certain things to happen so that He can work out the bigger picture in our journey.  It is very easy for me to confidently rely on God's plan for my life when things are great and I am thriving, but what about when there are struggles and frustrations that appear to have no answer?  Is God ignoring me?  Am I left alone to figure everything out?  The answer is no - His love and plan for us are the same whether things are good or when life seems to be silent. 

As someone who wants so much out of life, who always dreams big, and does not always possess the virtue of patience - it is sometimes hard for me to trust when life is silent.  There are certain things in my life that I want to improve now and for whatever reason, I need to wait a little longer.  I know that probably all of you have dealt with this at one time or another.  My encouragement to all of us is that we would continue to hope and believe that the One who is greater will continue to guide us even in times of silence.  One of my friends posted this on facebook a few days ago and I was reminded of it yesterday: 

If we really believe that God is sovereign, infinitely good and loves us beyond compare, then why do we worry and stress over delays in our plans. So today trust and know His ways are best.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Least Favorite Word

Just a couple of things before we get started...

1.  Next Thursday, March 1st is our next give-a-way!!  I will be giving one of Rachel Ray's 30 Minute Cookbooks to one of my followers of the blog.  I have tried many of the recipes and they really are quick, easy, and delicious!  Being a lover of food, I found it fitting to share great recipes with one of you!  So make sure you are a follower by clicking on the link to the right and I will announce the winner on March 1st!

2.  Thanks to those of you who have responded to the new idea on my blog - What's Your Story.  It is something I am trying where I will share other people's stories so that we can learn, be encouraged, and lets' face it - hear about someone else's life besides mine all the time (so says one of my best friends)!  If you would like to participate, simply send an email to and I will send you a simple questionairre to fill out and return to me.  I plan to begin posting them next month!

So what would you say is one of your least favorite words?  There are certain words that I do not like for various reasons such as - belly (it just sounds weird to me), buddy (never call me that - I use that word for little kids and dogs), tore my stomach up (I HATE it when people say that).  I know there are others but those are the first ones that came to mind. 

But there is a word that is used every day by many people that I really do not like.  It is a boring, overused word that really has no meaning and does not give me any more information about a person than when we started.  That word is fine.  How are you doing?  I'm fine (ugh -so boring!)  How was your day?  It was fine (that tells me nothing!)  How was your 14 day, perfect weather, all expenses paid Hawaiian vacation?  It was fine (just shoot me now!).  The word fine could be good or bad - we really do not know.  What about when you make someone mad and then try to make it better and they say - "Don't worry about it, it's fine" in that very condescending way.  So annoying! 

I wish that this very bland word could be taken out of our vocabulary.  I think it has become such a habit for people to respond with I am fine that they do not even hear what they are saying.  Yes, I know that even saying how are you is just a figure of speech sometimes because we really do not care - it is just something you say after hello.  Just please give me something other than fine.  I'm good, I'm great, I'm wondeful, I'm not so good, I'm mad, I'm annoyed  - anything to me is better than fine.  Let's try to break the pattern of how are you - I'm fine.  The next time someone asks you - give them a more descriptive word!  I can promise that if you ask me - you will not hear the F word coming out of my mouth!

So today is the day to get rid of the F word (and belly, buddy, and that other phrase)!  No more boring, repetitive, mediocre answers!  We are anything but fine!

Have a great weekend and I will see you back here on Monday!!!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's That Time Of The Month

No, not THAT time of the month (although they do say that guys have them too)!  But I am definitely not talking about that.  What I am talking about is - Kevin's Time of the Month (sounds a little awkward?).  It's Kevin's Monthly Review (just sounds a little boring).  It's Kevin's Pick of the Month (I kinda like that a little better).  Maybe one day I will decide on something good - until then, feel free to leave any good suggestions in the comments below!

Each month, I like to recommend something that I want everyone to know about - a good book, movie, restaurant, website, etc.  This month it is going to be music.  My pick is not anything new really.  Unless you live under a rock, you have definitely heard of this girl, but due to all of her recent Grammy awards I just wanted to make sure that everyone is listening to her!  My pick this month is the CD - "21" by Adele.

I remember first hearing Adele on the radio in the early part of last year.  Her voice was mesmerizing, her sound was unique and refreshing, and the lyrics were real and relatable.  I quickly purchased her CD and did not stop listening to it for weeks on end.  Seriously - I played it nonstop in my car until I knew every word to every song!  There are very few CD's that I own where I could say that I love every song.  Normally, there are a lot of good songs, but there are always a few that you skip over.  That is not true with Adele.  Every song is one that you will listen to over and over!

Her album "21" is all about a breakup with a guy and her reflections on that experience.  I do not know who the guy was but her relationship and breakup with him made for some incredible songs.  I wonder what her ex thinks about all of this?  The connection throughout her music is that we can all relate to what she went through.  These songs on "21" deal with the anger, sadness, self-examination, and forgiveness that come from ending a relationship.  If you are going through a break up and play this CD - you will feel the need to turn it up and give your ex a "take that" attitude but then you will also want to sit in the dark and cry your eyes out on the next song (not me, but I have heard some people have reacted this way).  Some of my favorites include Rumor Has It (track 2), Turning Tables (track 3), and Someone Like You (track 11).  I am listening to the CD now as I write this and have it turned up loud - it's so good!

Adele's full name is Adele Laurie Blue Adkins and she is from London.  I recently learned that she was discovered when a friend of hers posted a demo Adele had recorded onto Myspace (remember Myspace?).  Her career has skyrocketed in the last few years and last week at the Grammys she won 6 awards including album of the year.  She is one of those truly talented singers that does not need a lot of "extra" to make her live performance great.  Her vocals are enough and when set to emotional music - it makes for a truly remarkable experience.  One of my goals is to see her perform live! 

If you have not purchased her album, "21", please get it today!  You will not be disappointed!  I have included a video from the Grammys last week of her performance to Rolling in the Deep - it's a great song and performance!

Monday, February 20, 2012

I Want To Walk On Fire!!

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope you all had a great weekend!  I have to admit that mine was sort of a roller coaster because there were many good moments but also some frustrating moments.  Many times when I get frustrated, I take a minute to refocus myself and will work through it.  Then there are those times that I let it get the best of me and I go into a "Kevin mood" that is never fun to be around!  By late Sunday afternoon, I was in a full blown "Kevin mood" and just felt overwhelmed with certain frustrating issues in my life. 

I had almost decided to go to bed early last night (I didn't even want to be around myself anymore) but then I remembered a show on Oprah's network (OWN) called Oprah's Next Chapter that was coming on.  Most of the time I will just let the DVR record it and watch it later, but I knew the preview showed Oprah walking across fire and I thought I might like to see that and it would probably help get me out of my mood!  I am so glad that I stayed up because it was exactly the motivation and slap in the face that I needed last night!

Oprah attended one of Tony Robbins' seminars called - Unleashing the Power Within.  I knew a little about Tony Robbins' but mainly thought of him as just another motivational speaker or someone who did a lot of late night infomercials back in the day.  This particular seminar is twelve hours a day for four days - which at first simply sounds exhausting!  The show featured highlights from the seminar.  It only covered the first day because that was all that Oprah was there for but it was enough to make me want to attend one of these conferences if I ever get the chance (although they said that the cheap seats are around $800 so it probably will not be anytime soon!).  Tony Robbins' does not like to be called a motivational speaker.  Rather, he is better known as a life coach.  He is energetic, loud, tall (he's 6'7") and very focused on helping people realize their fullest potential as human beings.  There were many take-a-ways from the show that I am sure I will share in later blogs, but the big build up was the firewalk that would happen that night.  Oprah said that when she arrived at the conference, she had no intention of walking across fire, but after being there for twelve hours, she wanted to conquer her fears and do it! 

Tony's intention for having every participant (there were 4,000 at this particular conference) walk across fire that night was to help them conquer their fear and experience a breakthrough moment.  If you can walk across fire, then what else can you do with your life?  I have to say that as the program built up to the big finale, I found myself nervous - not only for Oprah - but wondering if I would have what it took to walk across fire.  Having watched the show, I am convinced that I want to do it!  My mood was changed last night and I saw my frustrations for what they really were.  Yes, they are problems that I will work through, but they are not the end of the world like I led myself to believe earlier in the day.  I see the problem, I know what I need to do to resolve it, and I get off my butt and do it!  Working towards the resolution produces much more progress than sitting around in my own little pity party of one! 

I have included the video below from the show last night.  It is exciting and funny.  It convinced me that I want to walk across fire when I get the opportunity!  As I went to bed last night, I was reminded of my own purpose in life and what the possibilities are.  Maybe this will motivate you to do the same!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My (Almost) World Famous Salsa!

So I have decided what my give-a-way will be for March 1st.  The idea came from my sister, Christy, so I have to give her credit for this one.  I love food and I enjoy cooking so I am going to give away one of my favorite cookbooks!  It is one of Rachael Ray's 30 Minute Cook Books!  It is full of great recipes that are easy and quick to make (hence the name).  I have tried many of them and it has always been an "oh wow this is delicious!" food experience - and who doesn't like great food?  So if you are reading this and you love Rachael Ray - just make sure you are a follower on my blog and I will announce the winner March 1st!

In the spirit of great food - I wanted to share one of my own recipes.  I love salsa and started making my own and it seems to get a lot of praise!  Some have even said that it's like crack because it is so addicting - and there really is no higher compliment than that!  It is basic salsa really but there are just a couple of twists with mine that I believe helps with great flavor! 

I hope you all have a great weekend and I will see you back here on Monday!  Here's the recipe for the salsa (otherwise known as crack salsa!)


3 Tomatoes – chopped
1 Green Pepper – seeded and diced
1 Red Pepper – seeded and diced
1 White Onion – chopped
1 Jalapeno – chopped, diced, leave as many seeds in as you dare
Cilantro – chopped
2 Limes – use the zest and juice from the lime
Salt – to taste
Cinnamon – it’s the secret ingredient!  All you need is a pinch
Combine tomatoes, green pepper, red pepper, white onion, jalapeno, and cilantro together.  Add lime zest and juice from both limes.  (The best way to get all the juice is to use your teeth to squeeze the limes – something I learned from Oprah!)  Add salt to taste and a pinch of cinnamon. 
Here is the other secret part to the recipe.  Pour half of the combined ingredients into a blender and pulse a few times until well blended.  Mix blended and chopped ingredients together and refrigerate for about an hour (if possible) before serving.

Serves 5 – unless you are my sisters – in that case, it serves only one J

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Shout Out To The Singles!

Let's face it - today is one of those days that most single people just love to hate!  As many people get all giddy making plans with their significant other, the rest of us seem to have a big sign taped to our forehead that screams - YES, I AM ALONE TODAY!  Valentine's Day is a holiday that draws a big line between those who have someone in their life and those who do not.  Couples will enjoy nice candlelit dinners at fancy restaurants while the single people will sit at home, lights off, eating Ben & Jerry's, and watching The Real Housewives marathon.  How many single people sat at work and watched an ungodly amount of roses and oversized balloons being delivered - hoping that a friend, your mom, or that creep down the street would send you something just so that you could smile and pretend it was from a "special someone."

Ah yes, Valentine's Day.  No matter how you look at it - No matter how many times you remind yourself that you should just love yourself (blah blah blah!), today was not meant for the singles.  It is a day to celebrate all the couples in the world and all the sappy cards that they buy for each other.  It is a day to get that perfect reservation at that sentimental restaurant as two people stare into each other's eyes hoping that it will turn out like the movies portray it to be.  It is a day to try and live up to all the hype that the commercials make it out to be.

Well, I say that today we also celebrate those of us who are single and proud of it!  Think about it - we did not have to fight with others at Hallmark for that perfect card.  We did not have to beg and plead for a last minute reservation at some over-crowded restaurant!  We did not have to embarrass our loved one at work with expensive flowers and balloons that are too big to fit in our car!  That's right single people across this nation - we saved our money!  We stayed at home in our comfy clothes!  We enjoyed every bit of that double chocolate, brownie fudge ice cream!  (I can hear the emotional music playing in the background now).  I say stand up and be proud!  It is Singles Awareness Day - otherwise known as S.A.D. (wait.. what?!)

So Happy Valentine's Day to all the couples out there - I genuinely hope it was a great day and the magic is still alive!  And also a big Happy Valentine's Day to all the singles out there - if you are like me, it was still a great day and you are really OK with being single!  Or if you are not like me, all I can say is there are only a couple of more hours to this horrible day - hang on just a little bit longer!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Just A Few Things

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope you all had a great weekend.  My sister, Christy, and her family recently purchased their first home which is very exciting!  However, the not so exciting part is that every room in the house needs painting.  Not only painting, but taking down wall paper (which is a nightmare), sanding, and then painting.  My two sisters and I are close and a benefit of being so close is that when one of us takes on a project - it usually means that all three of us are taking on that project!  Therefore, my weekend was spent with paintbrush in hand, Pandora music playing on our phones, endless amounts of Chick Fil A & McDonald's sweet tea - and my little niece and nephew running around loving every minute of it!  Although it is a lot of hard work, we do manage to have fun and laugh a lot in the process.  The end result - basically a brand new house - will make all the work worth it, right!  At least worth it for Christy and her family (wait a minute). 

I just wanted to go over a few things today.  I have received emails from some of you wanting to participate in What's Your Story? - my new section of the blog that will include stories from others and how we can learn from what is going on in your lives.  For those of you who have responded - I will be sending out the questionnaires this week.  If you would like to participate, simply send an email to and I will send you the questionnaire to fill out and return to me.  The form will ask questions about your life and give you a chance to share your story with others.  It is very easy - I promise!  I plan to post 2 or 3 of these each month.  I'm very excited about this new project and hope that many of you will participate!

Also, for any of you that live in the Nashville area - I am starting a project called Pay It Forward Nashville!  This is something I have wanted to do for a long time and really feel like this is the year to take action.  The goal is to have events once a month that will reach out to a person, family, or group of people that are very deserving of something good in their lives!  As we do good for others, it will inspire them to keep it going and pay it forward!  Right now, I am in the very beginning stages - a grassroots effort if you will - and I need to build awareness.  If you have not done so, please go to the facebook page: and click "like".  Once you have done that, please "share" it with any and all of your facebook friends that also live in the Nashville area!  I am working on a website and more info will come out soon!

March 1st will be our next give-a-way!  This is a way for me to say "thank-you" to all of you that read my blog.  I gave away a Target gift card last month!  You have to be a follower to win so click on "followers" in the top right corner so that you can have a chance to win something (and read my blog - but winning is fun too!).  I will let you know next week what the prize will be - yes, the waiting will build suspense and yes, I need more time to think of what the prize will be!

Hope you all have a great week and I will see you back here tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What's Your Story?

I was out a couple of weeks ago and upon meeting someone, they asked me - so what's your story?  In my over-analyzing, over-thinking kind of way I was unsure how to respond and my thoughts were racing.   Does he want to know my entire story?  Where should I start?  Maybe we should sit down for this.  My face is not very good at hiding what I am thinking so he looked at me and said - just the basics will be fine.  This began a great conversation of learning each other's stories and that experience plus my own curiosity about people led me to wanting to start this new idea. 

I am excited about including other people's stories into my blog.  I hope to have sit down conversations with various people and actually interview them to get their story!  However, some of you who read my blog do not live close by and I really want to know your story as well.  I have come up with various questions I would ask to get a glimpse into your life and would like to know if any of you would like to submit your stories for an upcoming blog.  If you are interested, simply send me an email and I will send you a questionnaire to fill out and send back to me.   You can click on the contact info under my profile to submit an email.  If you have any trouble, the address is:

Don't worry - I am not asking you to write a book.  The questions will be a guide to use and of course you do not have to share anything that you do not want others to read - it is not a tell-all for me to share all your deepest darkest secrets!  It will simply help us learn more about you, where life has taken you so far, and your goals for the future.  I know that we can all learn from others and the life they are living.  I hope to hear from many of you and believe that it will be a great addition to my blog!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Why I Love Publix - And You Should Too!

I love to grocery shop!  I hear so many people saying that they hate it - but I have always enjoyed it.  I think it comes from my mom because she loves to grocery shop as well.  When we were younger, she preferred to go by herself whenever possible.  She said that my sisters and I would always ask for more than she planned to buy.  Then we would try to sneak things into the cart so that it would find its way to the checkout before she had a chance to put it back!  I think they used to make shopping carts differently because I can remember riding underneath the cart and thinking how cool that was.  Did anyone else do that as a kid?  Now when I am pushing a shopping cart, I have no idea how any child could fit under there comfortably!  Now that I think about it, maybe one of the reasons Mom loved to grocery shop was because it was time for her to be by herself - away from us kids!  Growing up, we were a Kroger and Walmart kind of family.  I am from Jackson, Tennessee, and those are really the only two choices when it comes to grocery shopping.  As I got older I heard about other stores, but only ever experienced Kroger and Walmart - until I moved to Nashville and my eyes were opened to a new store, one I had never heard of...a place called Publix. 

My first time was one that I will never forget.  As I walked through the sliding doors I was immediately greeted by such friendly faces.  All of the workers in their green shirts were walking around as though they actually enjoyed their job!  There was a different energy here than what I had experienced at other places and my heart felt all warm and tingly inside.  My first stop was the bakery - the sights and smells are what I imagine part of Heaven to be like.  Fresh bread, decadent desserts, muffins, cakes, and pies - all begging to be tasted.  As I stood smiling in the middle of the bakery section, just taking it all in I heard - Welcome to Publix, how can I help you today?  These people were so nice and offered me a sample and I love a good food sample!  As I turned the corner, I noticed a nice older lady cooking.  She was actually cooking an entire meal and offered free samples for us to try!  Of course I did not turn it down and she gave me the recipe card to go along with it.  How great is that?!  The produce section was overflowing with beautiful and fresh vegetables.  I immediately realized that this is what grocery shopping was meant to be like.  If I remember correctly, a small tear made its way down my face. 

Normally when I mention Publix to someone, their first response is - they are too high!  I cannot afford to shop there!  Although I can appreciate their response and agree that some of their products cost more than other places, I have learned the art of smart shopping and would like to pass it on to you.  My receipts now show at least a 50% savings and some items I get for practically free!  50% savings?  Almost free products? At Publix?  Kevin, that's not possible!  Yes people - I tell you the truth!  The secret lies in two words - BOGO and coupons.  Each week, Publix advertises Buy One Get One free on various items throughout the store.  At first I was buying one and also getting the free one.  Then I realized that if I just buy one - then I am getting it for half price!  (Yes, I know that is common sense for some of you, but it was actually a break through moment for me!)  The second part of the equation is coupons.  Each week now, I cut out all of the coupons in the weekly fliers.  Unless its baby products, girly products, or old people products - I cut it out because you never know what is going to go on sale.  I have an organizer and file them each week.  It is a little like the show Extreme Couponing but I am not quite to their level - not yet at least.  I have the Publix Ap on my iPhone and every Wednesday I look to see what the BOGO's (like how I use the lingo?) are for that week.  Many times, I will have a coupon to put with the product as well.  When that happens - it is an exciting moment because you save lots!  I have bought cereal for fifty cents before and Edwards frozen chocolate pies for thirty-five cents - that was such a great day!   Occasionally a fellow "couponer" will see me with my coupon organizer and share other secrets with me.  It is great how coupons will turn strangers into instant friends!

Now this is key to smart shopping at Publix.  You  have to plan your meals around your shopping, not the other way around.  If you make a meal list and try to shop for those particular items, you will not save as much.  I am able to make great meals each night with what I buy each week.  It might take a couple of weeks to stock up at first but my pantry and refrigerator now stay fully stocked - and that never happened before with those other places.  Meats and vegetables are rarely BOGO at Publix so I buy them on a need to have basis.  Before some of the moms out there blast me with emails - let me beat you to it and say - yes, I know that your results may be slightly different than mine when shopping for an entire family and yes, I also know that when you have kids you need to go to ONE store and get everything that you need in ONE stop (my sister tells me this all the time).  All I am saying is - try it!  I still visit some of the other stores from time to time to get necessary items that may not be on sale at Publix, but I would safely say that 90% of what I buy comes from Publix.  If you have never been, just try it!  The combination of exceptional customer service and great savings have made me a faithful Publix customer - and if I can help any of you save a dollar here and there - I am more than happy to share it! 

If any of you have any shopping secrets that you would like to pass along - use the comment section below to share it!  Happy Shopping Everyone!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Preview Of What's To Come

I am sitting at a coffee shop here in my neighborhood.  It is one of my new favorite spots and it is a great place to write!  I am also learning that I do not have a firm grasp on the entire coffee lingo.  I ordered a "macchiato" - very confident that I fit in with the coffee house crowd.  The barista (I do know that term!) looked at me with a combination of hesitation and pity and asked if I was sure that's what I wanted since a macchiato was simply espresso with foam on it.  Basically, it would be over in about two sips.  I immediately responded with a nervous laugh and a - what I meant to say was..... and she helped me make a better decision.  Hopefully in time, I will gain a better understanding of the terminology and be able to order a crazy sounding drink with proper confidence. 

While here, I did something that I rarely do - I went back and read my blogs from January.  Normally, once I post it I do not go back and read it.  Oprah says that she rarely watches herself on TV so I do not need to go back and read my own blogs, right?  Well, I noticed that for now, I should go back and read them - especially proofread before posting them out into the world.  I am a stickler for spelling and grammar and I noticed a few grammatical errors (embarrassing!) for which I deeply apologize for and promise to do better in the future.  I guess Oprah has "people" to help her and the last time I checked - I do not have "people" yet so I better keep proofreading my own work for now. 

However, the other positive outcome that came out of rereading January's blogs was to have a better focus of where February is going.  I love writing and doing this blog and I try to maintain a focused energy on where it is going.  I take it seriously and have a strong desire to encourage others in their journey.  I hope that each month gets better than the last and I know that planning on my part will help me to work harder and produce more entertaining yet effective blogs. 

As you visit my blog this month (and I hope you will) I plan to incorporate some of the things I talked about in January.  I am moving forward with my own personal goals and although it helps me to talk about them here, I hope that it encourages you with your own goals for 2012.  I am also really excited about including other people's stories as part of my blog!  My goal is to publish two of them this month.  I may be reaching out to some of you to hear your story.  If you know someone that has a very interesting life (not the boring ones) and would encourage all of us - let me know! I will include Kevin's Monthly Review (I'm not liking the name - I need suggestions!) and I am sure that a funny story will come out this month as well.  For those of you in the Nashville area, there will be a push towards Pay It Forward Nashville - my big dream - so get ready for some exciting news for that this month as well!  And another give-a-way will happen March 1st - wow, I have a lot to work on this month!

I hope that February includes a lot of exciting things for you as well.  I almost forgot that Valentine's Day will be here soon.  I guess that clearly shows that I am single!  We also get one extra day this leap year and that's very exciting for anyone who was born on February 29th - my sister, Christy, being one of them!  So let's start this month off with ideas, vision, hard work, and some fun along the way, too!  Hope you all have a great weekend and I will see you back here Monday!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

And The Winner Is....

Today is the day for our first give-a-way!  The winner is.....


Applause!  Applause! 

Melinda will be receiving a Target gift card!  Each winner every month will be chosen in a different way.  This time I had a friend choose a number between 1 and 30 (the number of followers on this blog) and that is how the winner was selected.  Congratulations and we will have another give-a-way March 1st!

Today marks the beginning of a new month!  It is hard to believe that we are already in February, isn't it?  If you had to rate January when it comes to achieving your goals for the new year - how did you do?  If it included more working out, hopefully you have not quit the gym yet.  If it included eating healthier, hopefully the pantry is not stocked with junk food again.  Whatever your goals are I hope that you are moving forward in seeing them become a reality.  However, if you have slipped or completely fallen off the wagon, there's good news!  It is now February 1st and you can start over!  Do not beat yourself up.  You are not a failure (maybe just a loser) but you can start new today and get back to where you want to be!  It may be easier to just give up all together, but in the long run it is much better to try and try again.  You can do it!  (I feel like a coach right now - and I was only joking about calling you a loser!)

Today's blog is short and sweet but I mainly wanted to congratulate those who are moving forward with their goals and encourage those who may need a little push to keep going!  One month down and eleven more to go!  Hope everyone is having a great week and I will see you back here tomorrow!