Wednesday, February 10, 2010


One of the greatest things we can do in life is to live with gratitude. In the book, The Secret, it talks about the power of being grateful in life and how those two words... thank you... can ultimately change our lives for the better. It seems that there are always reasons to find complaints in life and if we aren't careful, we will give so much attention to the negative aspects that it will begin to consume our life. I do believe that what you put out into the world will come back to you. There is so much in life to be thankful for. There are family and friends, jobs and careers, our health, moments in life, and even that chocolate cake I got at Publix the other day that is delicious! When we focus on what is good and give thanks for that, it changes your perspective and it allows you to find even more in life to be grateful for. At the beginning of this year I started a Gratitude Journal. The goal is every night to write down 5 things I am thankful for about that day. Some days are easier than others, but as I continue doing it (and no, I don't get to it every night, but almost every night) it reminds me of how great life really is. Yes, there are hard times and there are bad things that happen in life that have to be dealt with but with this journal, I'm not giving too much energy to the bad, instead I am focused on the good. We are 6 weeks into the new year and there have already been challenges in my life, but when I look at what I am grateful for... it far outweighs the bad. I know that journaling is not for everyone, but I do encourage you to begin to say thank you throughout your day... whether it be to a family member, a friend, a situtation, or to God... I do guarantee that it will help us all in living extraordinary lives!

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