Thursday, July 28, 2011

It Takes Hard Work....

I am still adjusting to this new “working life” schedule and so there may be a few days here and there that I do not get a blog written.  For those who might be wondering, I did have a job before this one, but it consisted of afternoon and evening hours and more days off so now I am back on an 8-5 schedule.  My goal is to continue to get four to five blogs written each week but I wanted to give a disclosure up front if it does not happen.  I really do appreciate all of you that encourage me to keep writing.  I value all of the comments - good and constructive – and take it all into account as I write.  I am learning as I go, but really enjoy this new passion I have found.  Back to what I was saying - It’s not that I do not have the time but I have started taking a fitness class every day after work in our company gym.  Yesterday I did a circuit class and today I did a spinning class, both of which I have never done before.  For the past few days, I have felt exhausted and somewhat nauseous afterwards (is that normal?) so it takes a little time to recover and have the ability to think clearly – basically I am not as in shape as I used to be but you have to start somewhere!

One of my goals this year is to be the most in shape and healthy individual that I can be.  Yes, I have slacked some but I now have five months to make major improvements.  Since my company has a gym, there is no excuse.  I met with a trainer and he is devising a plan to help me achieve my goals.  Between the workouts and the fitness classes I should be ready for swimsuit modeling by Christmas.  I do genuinely want to accomplish this goal (the healthy body, not the swimsuit modeling) and what I have learned in the past is that it takes determination, persistence, and discipline. 

Anyone who has set a goal having to do with your body knows that you have to mentally know that you can do it.  If you believe that you will fail, then you probably will.  We can receive encouragement and motivation from others, but it really has to come from within for the plan to work.  It also requires persistence.  My goal is to not skip a day of working out but if I do, I cannot just wave the white flag and say it’s over.  I get back in there the next day and push myself a little more.  Part of a healthy body is eating healthy as well.  When I mess up on what I eat, then I do not just stop healthy eating altogether.  I make smarter choices for the next meal.  The last factor is discipline.  I cannot take fitness classes and run on the treadmill but then load up on cheeseburgers, pizza, French fries, and everything chocolate!  Although I do enjoy those foods from time to time (chocolate is daily of course) I have to make sure the majority of what I put into my body is good for me.  I may have to say no to certain foods because I know it is going to counteract the exercise.  My goal is not to lose weight, but junk food is junk food and my metabolism is not what it used to be.  That chocolate brownie sundae is not going to produce positive results for any of us (but oh, it’s so good!)

What goals have you set for this year?  What is the one thing that you really want to see happen over the next few weeks or months?  Are you putting in the time and effort required to see the result or are you being complacent and settling for less?  Determination, persistence, and discipline really pertain to any goal that we set.  If you have slacked off, decide today to make progress.  This is just one of my goals that I am determined to see happen and that is why tomorrow I will be attending the “rock hard abs” class – and probably crying like a girl through the whole thing. 

Today I am grateful for:  1.  Another great day of job training 2.  The quick bond that all of my fellow trainees have formed  3.   Surviving my fitness classes  4.  Optimism about accomplishing goals  5.  Positive changes happening in my life

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Crazy Ideas Lead to a Random Act of Kindness....

The carefree, sleep a little later, long walks with Axel days are over.  I started my new job yesterday and I have to reconfigure my schedule, and body for that matter, to adjust to an 8-5 work life again.  How am I supposed to get up with the sun’s arrival, work all day, exercise, blog, eat, and still get my TV shows in?  Not to mention chores around the house, errands to run, and poor Axel – he’s not going to feed himself?!  I think I need an assistant or a housekeeper.  If you watch Flipping Out on Bravo, I really want my own Zoila – she is the best!  Of course I am being somewhat sarcastic because I know many of you do all that and more day in and day out.  I just got a little used to not working and yet still somehow staying busy.  However, my bank account has been screaming out for attention so I better be thankful for this new job, right!  And I am not the only one living at my house so maybe Jordan will do his part as well… maybe. 

I do have to say that I love my job so far!  Yes, it is only day two and we have not even really started doing our actual jobs, but I really like the atmosphere, the positive attitude that everyone seems to have here, and the opportunities that await. 
I must tell a story about an experience that happened to me yesterday.  It was a crazy idea that I had that turned into a random act of kindness from a stranger that reminded me of the goodness of humanity.  I am without a car for the moment; therefore, until that changes Jordan has to pick me up from work every day.  I get off work at 5pm and he cannot get there until 8pm so I plan on making the most of that and using the company gym, blogging, and working on my book during that time.  Yesterday was my first day at work and I did not bring my computer or anything to do so I started walking to a nearby restaurant.  When I arrived I knew that I could not stay there for almost three hours so I continued walking to Starbucks.  As I walked along the sidewalk, I had a strong desire to not stop.  I did not want to just sit somewhere for a couple of hours and I was carrying a bag with my work clothes in it so I knew I could not go into various stores and such.  So genius me had a thought I wonder what would happen if I just started walking home?  How far would I get before Jordan would pick me up?  Keep in mind that my house is probably ten to twelve miles from where I work – and about five of those miles are along the interstate!  Yes, I can hear all of you saying – what in the world were you thinking?!  I am not really sure but all I know is that I really wanted to do it and so I started walking. 

I made it to the interstate, walked along the overpass, and made my way down the ramp.  And by that I mean walked down the hill part of the exit ramp, not the actual street.  Oh, and I forgot to say that I was wearing flip flops and carrying my duffel bag.  So here I am, walking along the interstate, sweating for sure, but having a good time!  It did not really seem that awkward to me but the only thing I was concerned about was one of my coworkers seeing me and thinking that I was some hobo that started working with them.  I did wonder if anyone would pull over, but that was not happening.  At one point, a really big flying bug landed on my shoulder and I jumped and screamed (like a man of course) so I am sure that provided some entertainment for those flying by me at seventy miles per hour.  Just another reason why I wish I had my own reality show!  I kept walking and noticed lots of trash along the interstate.  People really throw out some interesting things - toys, food, a shoe, and other things I will not mention.  My biggest pet peeve in life is littering so I really wanted a trash bag to pick up the trash - if I am going to walk along the interstate I could at least be productive!

After about two miles on the interstate and lots of sweating (what was I thinking?!), I noticed a taxi that pulled over in front of me.  My initial thought was that he was a serial killer that had just found his next victim.  My second, and more rational thought, was that he saw an opportunity to make some money and give me a ride.  With no cash on me, I was not sure how I would respond except to ask if he took a debit card.  I walked up to the van and he rolled the window down and asked where I was going.  I told him and he said that it was way too hot to be walking and that he would take me wherever I needed to go, free of charge!  At first I felt a little awkward because I thought that maybe he thought I was a little more "deserving of a ride" so I explained that I had chosen to walk – which as I was saying it noticed that it actually sounded worse.  He told me to get in and he would take me to my house.  He was probably in his 50's, of Indian decent, and just had a friendly demeanor about him.  As he drove, we started talking and I learned a lot about his life, where he was from, and how he got to Nashville.    I also learned that he enjoyed talking a lot, but that was OK with me.  I was enjoying the cold air blowing on my face.  I was completely overwhelmed that he was doing this and did not expect anything in return.  I thought that he might be my guardian angel because who knows what might have happened to me before my ride arrived - probably passed out in all that trash from dehydration - which would have been a nightmare!  As we got to my neighborhood, I wanted to give him something but he simply told me to do something nice for someone else someday.  I almost gave him a hug but I thought it might be a bit much.  I thanked him over and over and promised him that I would definitely pay it forward!
For the rest of the day, I could not stop thinking about what he had done.  It was so refreshing and humbling to experience another human being's generosity.  It was unexpected and made such a difference in my day.  Unfortunately, I do not know his name but I am certain that lots of kindness will come back to him because of what he did.  He saw an opportunity to make a difference and did not hesitate.  How many times do we consider doing something nice for someone else but end up not following through simply because we are too busy?  I know that the experience will change the way I look at how life places opportunities in my path.  I will be more conscious of what is going on around me and not hesitate to help someone in need.  You never know how it will affect someone else and what kind of chain reaction it might start. 
I also know that my walk down the interstate was one of those "been there done that" moments.  It is not something I recommend, but I can add it to my list of life's stories.
Today I am grateful for:  1.  My new job  2.  The impact of a positive work environment  3.  My new work friends  4.  Deciding to try and walk home  5.  The taxi driver that changed my day

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Last Few Days of Freedom....

I am trying very hard to enjoy my last few days before I start my new job on Monday.  Although I am very glad to be working again, I have gotten used to the somewhat carefree way of the unemployed.  If you could see me right now, you would know that I am a very happy guy!  I am back at a coffee shop type restaurant called Fido and sitting at one of those bar / ledges that faces the window.  So I can write and people watch all day - sounds like a good life to me!  I do plan on continuing to write as much as I can today and get more progress made on the book.  I need to make the most of this time before I start working for "the man" again - otherwise known as Verizon Wireless. 

I did take yesterday off from basically doing anything.  I did not blog or do any writing, but instead got caught up on a few TV shows, went for a run, took Axel for a walk, and then took a nap - which is always a mistake.  I know some people love naps, but I do not.  Well, I just do not like how I feel afterwards.  Usually, I feel worse than when I laid down, I am mad at the world, and it seems to take a long time for me to get myself back to normal.  I don't think that is how naps are supposed to work.  But the highlight of my day had to be last night when Jordan and I decided to get $1 hot fudge sundaes from McDonald's.  Yes, that's what you do when you are unemployed and craving chocolate.  When we pulled up to the window to get our order, she handed us three hot fudge sundaes and told us to have a good day!  We had only ordered two, but got a bonus one!  I know what some of you are thinking - I could have told her that we only needed two, but then she would have had to throw away the third one, and that would just be wasteful.  So the ending to that story is - we enjoyed not one, not two, but three hot fudge sundaes and that makes for a happy ending to a good day. 

I also received a book in the mail yesterday entitled, Live Good.  I saw it at a store recently and when I checked on Amazon, I found it for much cheaper ($15 in the store; $3 on Amazon - you decide).  It is a coffee table book that is full of inspirational quotes and all I kept thinking was - I now have many blog topics to cover!  It is a great book - if you ever see it, check it out!  I am also proud for posting my first photo on my blog - just trying to spice things up a little!

I could seriously sit here all day and keep writing and probably will do that.  These chances (and this great seat) do not come along very often.  I almost asked someone to take my picture so you could see where I am, but chose not to.  I do keep thinking that one day I might actually get paid to do this type of thing - writing.  That will be a great day and I will just keep believing in that passion!  Hope everyone has a great day today - enjoy the good life!

Today I am grateful for:  1.  The hot fudge sundaes last night  2.  Another day to write  3.  This great seat and view  4.  Getting to do what I love  5.  The good life

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Different is a Good Thing....

Today is another day of writing for me.  I stayed at Panera for almost 5 hours yesterday and they did not kick me out, which is surprising since I only purchased a drink.  Today I am at a different restaurant called, Fido.  It has a really cool feel to it and the section I am in is where everyone with a computer hangs out - so I feel like one of the "cool kids."  The plan is to stay here as long as possible and get some more work done on the book.  I really enjoyed the time I had yesterday and love it when the ideas and words just flow out and you get excited about what you are writing about.  Every once in awhile, I would type a sentence and think - wow that was good!  And of course, at times I would also go back and read an entire paragraph and think - wow that was really bad - and quickly hit delete!  It is a fun process and as we talked about yesterday, always better when you are doing something you love. 

One of my favorite things to do is people watch.  I am sitting in a great spot to do this and there is a wide variety of people here.  There are also lots of people passing by outside as they shop at the trendy stores, drink their coffee with a cool name, or just enjoy this miserably hot day.   One thing I have been reminded of is how different people really are.  In that, I also know that too many people are quick to judge simply because someone is not like them.  Over the years, I have evolved in my way of thinking and my view of life and one thing I pride myself on is being very open-minded when it comes to the differences in people.  I enjoy learning about where people come from, what their story is, and how they see the world around them. 

Why are we so quick to judge?  I believe it comes from two things:  fear and ignorance.  A lot of times we fear what we do not know.  It makes us uncomfortable.  It is easier to overlook someone or pass them by than to befriend them.  We also judge because we simply lack the knowledge about a particular group of people.  We tend to stereotype someone because of what we have heard instead of taking the time to get to know them.  If we will stop and open our minds up to learning more about someone or what their story is, we might realize that we are all much more the same than we are different.  Sometimes we have to look past the exterior or even our own perceptions to see what is inside a person and that is what connects all of us.  Besides, whether it is acknowledged or not, we all have the same Creator so who are we to judge others simply for being different?

Take some time to open your heart up to learning instead of judging.  Find excitement in the fact that the world is made up of various cultures, beliefs, races, and ideas.  There is a lot of beauty in the world and the reason for that is variety.  The truth is - if everyone was the same, it would be a very boring place to live in.  Learn from others and celebrate their differences.  Don't we want the same from those who look at us?  We all want validation and purpose and breaking down the walls of judgment is an important step to seeing that happen.

Today I am grateful for:  1.  A really fun morning  2.  Another day to write  3.  Variety in life  4.  Air conditioning in this crazy hot weather  5.  The much needed rain we had yesterday

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Whispers of Life....

Right now I am sitting at Panera Bread with my laptop, a Dr. Pepper, and the determination to be here for the next few hours.  I have a few days left before I start my new job and my goal for this week is to get a lot of work accomplished on the new book I am writing.  The working title for the book is Standing On the Edge and it is going to focus on making the most of our lives and overcoming obstacles that keep us from doing so.  I love doing this blog and many of the topics discussed on here will be expounded on in the book.  The topic is really a passion of mine as well as something I am constantly learning about myself.  I am excited about the book because I get to write about my own learning experiences and hopefully encourage others in their life's journey. 

It seems like most of my Monday blogs talk about what I learned at church the previous day and this one will be no exception!  We had Jon Acuff as our guest speaker and the message was motivating, so encouraging, and one of those "I feel like you are talking directly to me" moments.  He was also really funny which I love.  He started off talking about how V-neck tshirts have made their way into male fashion and how some guys are afraid to wear them.  I have one on right now and own quite a few actually but his perspective on it was really funny and as usual I kept laughing after everyone else had stopped!  He does have a website and I encourage you to check it out sometime:

The title of his message was Today vs Tomorrow and he described how many of us are in jobs that are not really what we want to be doing.  We tell people what we do for a living today, but in the same sentence we will also tell them what we really want to be doing as a career tomorrow.  He said that he went through eight jobs in eight years before he started doing what he felt called to do - speaking and writing.  He has a blog, has written several books, and speaks at many conferences throughout the nation.  He encouraged all of us to be patient as we seek out our dreams jobs and to also be open to the various places that life takes us.  You never know when a small decision or experience could drastically change the course of your life.  I could not help but be drawn in to every word that he was saying and many times wanted to stand up and shout that I completely understand and agree with what he is saying!  What if I had actually done that?!  I have not done his message justice here, but feel free to check it out on our church's website:

To be honest, what he is doing is pretty much what I would like to be doing as a career.  To be an author, have a blog, and the platform to encourage others to follow their dreams, to pursue their passions, and to live the best life that they possibly can.  I feel like I do that on a small scale right now, but I really want that to be my career.  I believe that yesterday's church service was another one of those whispers that life gives you to keep pursuing your dreams.    I know for sure that God uses many ways to speak to us - sometimes in whispers and sometimes like a brick over our head - and for me, yesterday was one of those moments.  It was just that peaceful feeling to keep moving in the direction I am going and the plans God has for me will be beyond what I could ever ask or imagine.  One of the things that stuck out to me was to be patient.  Althought not always one of my strongest characteristics, it is vital to staying in sync with where life wants to take us. 

I am going to stop for now and start working on the book, but I encourage anyone who reads this to follow your heart in what your life is meant to be.  We are all here for a unique reason and we all have something to offer the world.  When you hear those whispers of life that reaffirm your calling - listen and believe because it will never let you down!

Today I am grateful for:  1.  The whispers of life  2.  A great Sunday all around  3.  Getting a run in this morning  4.  The chance to write at Panera today  5.  Being optimistic about the future

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What Are You Passionate About?

Inside each of us is a unique passion that helps to define our purpose in life.  Although we may share the same passion as someone else, it is unique in that it fits our personality in such a way that allows us to contribute to the world as only we can.  Although I do believe that many people know what their passion is early on in life, for some it comes through experience or even trial and error.  Our true calling goes hand in hand with our talents or what we are good at.  Therefore, we are probably not going to be passionate about something that we are not capable of doing - or at least capable of learning how to do.  For example, I was not given athletic talent in my life.  If you read my book, The Journey, you know that the highlight of my baseball career as a kid was the one time I actually hit the ball - and it turned out to be a foul ball!  When that is the highlight of your athletic career, it is pretty safe to say that sports is not your thing; therefore, my passion in life does not lie in the sports arena.  I did try though - baseball, basketball, golf, and soccer - yeah, I was not too good at any of them. 

What does define our passion in life?  Some of us have more than one thing we are good at, but if we had to narrow it down to one or two main things, we could.  Ideally, our passions spill over into our careers but in the reality of life that does not always happen.  There is nothing wrong with that, but I have heard many times that we should find what we are good at, and then find a way to get paid for it.  One way to know that it is a true passion is that we would probably do it even if we did not get paid for it.  I would say that my sisters are very good examples of matching their passions with their careers.  Cara is studying to be a physical therapy assistant and this is perfect for her.  She has a true heart to help people and to let them know that she cares about them in the process.  Patients that she has worked for in the past have quickly grown to love her because she sees them as more than just a patient.  They are a person with a physical need and she is there to help and make a difference in their life.  Christy has her degree in teaching.  Right now she is a stay-at-home mom (the hardest job in the world) but I know that when she is able to teach in the school system, she is going to be one of those amazing teachers.  She has a heart for children, the patience to do it, and the desire to make a difference very early on in their lives.  Both Christy and Cara are talented in their fields and will excel in their careers because they are passionate about what they are doing and following their true calling. 

So what are you passionate about?  As you read this, some things may have come to your mind.  If not, that is OK, too.  It might take time to truly know what that is, but one thing I know for sure is that if you ask life to show you your passion, your talents, your calling - it will.  What am I passionate about?  There is definitely more than one thing, but it all falls under the umbrella of encouraging others to live better lives and make the most of their journey.  Over the past few years, I have learned that writing is one creative way for me to live out my passion.  I have been able to explore this through different avenues and am working on ways to line up my career with my passion. 

I am going to ask everyone who reads this to do something.  I have never asked anyone to comment on the blog, but I would love to hear what you are passionate about.  Not only will it help keep you focused, but it will also let all of us see the variety of things people love doing.  If you do not know, you can say that as well.  When you do understand what that is, it helps us to live a more fulfilled life and to also leave our mark on this world!

Today I am grateful for:  1.  A really good and fun day  2.  Stuffed French toast that I had for breakfast  3.  Hearing from my best friend this morning (whom I haven't talked to in way too long)   4.  The passion I have for writing  5.  Those who inspire me to live out my calling in life

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Blessing of Discontentment...

How many of you would say that you are truly content?  Would you say that you have reached your full potential in every area of your life?  Of course we should be happy, feel a sense of satisfaction with what we have accomplished, and be grateful for every good thing but I also believe that there should always be a part of us that wants more out of life.  We should always be pushing ourselves to do more, experience more, and give back more to the world.  Discontentment can lead to negative results if we allow it but it can also bring about change and a more fulfilled life. 

I can look back at the thirty-five years I have been on this earth so far and feel such a sense of gratitude and humbleness at the amount of good things in my life.  The people in my life, places I have been, experiences I have had, and lessons I have learned all make up what I consider to be a pretty good life.  However, there is that feeling of discontentment that I have always had because I always desire so much more out of life.  There is more that I want to do and see and experience.  I want my life to be used in much bigger ways than it is now.  One lesson that I have had to learn again and again is this:  In the midst of wanting more out of life, do not forget to savor the present.  Enjoy it completely.  It is easy for me to dream about what the future holds and not see what all is actually happening right now. 

The question then becomes - how do you effectively handle that desire of wanting more?  I believe that discontentment is a healthy part of life.  It only becomes unhealthy when we dwell too much on what we do not have.  Any negative thoughts will only bring about negative actions (the laws of attraction).  However, when we push ourselves to do more and continually place new goals into our lives, this will allow us to grow and experience a more fulfilled life.  I am a big believer in writing things down.  As new ideas and dreams form in my life, I write them down.  Not only does it serve as a constant reminder and motivator; it is also so encouraging to look back and see what all has happened in my life.  It is also why I have a vision board - it's a great visual aid to help produce results!  It's funny because the more I allow my life to be used, the more discontented I become.  I say that in a positive way though, because it motivates me to do more and I hope that it would do the same for you. 

So what areas do you want to improve on?  What goals do you need to work on?  How can you open your heart more in order to be of service to those in the world?  Use that feeling of discontentment to bring about action that helps us all live a better life!  And don't forget to truly enjoy the moment as you long to do more in the future.

Today I am grateful for:  1.  Waking up to a new day  2.  Being reminded of God's goodness  3.  Surviving another hot run  4.  Not having to spend my day looking for jobs  5.  Ice cream sundaes that will be had tonight :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Progress is Being Made...

I just got in from a run.  Yeah, that's right - I thought it would be a great idea to go for a run when it's 100 degrees outside!  Needless to say, by the time I got back I was a hot, sweaty mess that was gasping for air!  After my run, I took Axel for a walk to try and cool down some.  As usual, we met another walker and dog along the way.  Axel and the new dog took a few moments to meet and as the lady and I talked, I quickly became aware of what she was seeing.  I was shirtless, somewhat blotchy from the heat, and had so much sweat pouring down my face that I could barely see her.  It is a fair assessment to say that it was not a pretty sight!  She did not seem to look scared, but I did quickly end the conversation.  Axel and I finished our walk and then went back inside to the wonderful air conditioning which I am truly thankful for these days (yes, it will be mentioned below)!

I do have some good news!  After nineteen days of unemployment, I received a phone call today informing me that I had been hired for a new job!  Of course, this all depends on if I pass my drug test and background check - fingers crossed (just kidding)!  The job is with Verizon Wireless and although it might not be my "dream job" just yet, it does offer a lot of opportunities for the future and it is definitely an answered prayer.  One of my best friends has also reminded me quite often that it is a stepping stone for now.  I am definitely grateful for this opportunity and that I did not have to go a long time without a job.  The unemployed life is kinda nice but just not as fun without that paycheck coming in! 

I know this one is short and sweet but wanted to write today since I missed yesterday.  Hope everyone is having a great week and staying cool in the heat!

Today I am grateful for:  1.  Surviving my run in the neighborhood  2.  Air conditioning  3.  Getting a new job!  4.  The Verizon employee working the security gate - so nice and loved her job!  5.  Hearing that my nephew Wylie crawled and pulled himself up for the first time! 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My So-Called Life...

I hope everyone enjoyed the long holiday weekend!  I wanted to simply write about a few things that have gone on the past few days that definitely keep life exciting.  I apologize for not posting anything yesterday after saying that I would.  It was quite a day and there was not a free moment that I could focus on writing a blog - probably a good thing because it might have been me venting, which is not always a great read.  I spent most of the day outside sweating (not by choice though) and a frustrated and hot Kevin is just not a pretty sight.  However, the kindness of strangers and a couple of good songs on the radio quickly turned my mood around and I was once again happy, fun Kevin.  It is humorous to me how quickly my moods can change.  I have always said that I want my own reality show and yesterday would have been one of those days that was funny to watch! 

This past Sunday at church started a new series called Summer Slam.  Each week a different campus pastor is going to share a few verses that he struggles with and how he is working through that.  I like this idea because it shows vulnerability as well as reminding us that we are all learning as we go and no one has perfected this thing we call life.  The other part that is unique is that the intro to each message is a video of all the pastors in wrestling attire and an Eminem song is playing in the background - only at Cross Point would you find that!  This first lesson was on surrender.  I have talked about this before, but it is a constant struggle in my life.  I do like being in control and I have trouble at times releasing that.  The parts of life that are somewhat out of my control are what frustrate me at the moment.  The ironic part is that when we do give up control and surrender to the bigger plan in our life - it really opens us up to experiencing a much more fulfilled and purpose driven life - which is what I am after!  Sunday's message was another reminder to me to stop trying to control people and situations and follow after what I know to be true and good. 

Monday was a good - and really hot - day to celebrate the 4th of July.  Downtown Nashville always has a big event and a few of us decided to join in with all the crazies and party it up!  I am not kidding when I say crazies.  I am a big fan of uniqueness and creativity in the human race and let's just say that downtown on the fourth of July was no exception!  There were all kinds walking around who made very interesting clothing choices, and they were not about to be tardy for the party (yes, I said it).  We made our way through the streets of sweaty people, gagging from random various odors, heard all kinds of music from country to rap to even a Pentecostal family singing hymns, and even saw a Michael Jackson impersonator.  Yes, all of our senses were working overtime.  But all of this was worth it to see the big fireworks extravaganza at the end!  I have always enjoyed a good fireworks show, but I have to admit that I was really impressed with how the city of Nashville did it.  At one point I noticed that my eyes as well as my mouth were wide open like a little kid.  It was quite a display of colors, shapes, and fire that lit up the night sky - all underscored with an impressive, but barely audible symphony orchestra.    There were a lot of oohs and ahhs from the crowd as well as a few gasps and screams when it got really loud.  Only once was our upward gaze interrupted by police officers yelling to get out of the way - medical emergency coming through.  So all in all it was a fun night to celebrate our nation's independence and also get some great people watching time in. 

I am thinking about covering some topics in the next couple of weeks that could start some discussions from the readers.  I would love to hear from others and get their opinions on various talking points.  I usually do not have a problem giving my opinion on a topic and then being open to hearing other people's ideas as well.  It could be fun - and quite interesting - and I promise not to be controlling of the situation! 

Today I am grateful for:  1.  A full and fun weekend  2.  Being challenged at church  3.  Job interviews coming up  4.  Running in the rain last night  5.  "4"  :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Definition of a Good Day...

Yes, I did a few changes to the layout of my blog - hope you like it!  Change is a good thing and I was ready for a new, cleaner look.  Feel free to let me know what you think.  Now that we are half way through the year I did want to stop and thank all of you that take time to read my blog.  It is encouraging (and funny at times) to hear what you, the reader, gets out of it and I just wanted you to know that I genuinely appreciate it! 

Today was a really good day.  I woke up in a good mood and today's breakfast included one of my new favorite treats - Nutella!  This was introduced into my life about three months ago and I cannot believe I have gone so long without knowing about it.  If you have not tried it, trust me - it will quickly become something that you are grateful for!  I also had a really good focus time as Axel and I went for our morning walk.  I am continuing to be grateful for all that is in my life and believing in the answers for the requests that I have. 

I was also looking forward to today because I knew that I would be able to hang out with my sister, Christy, and my niece and nephew, Martha Ann and Wylie.  I realized this morning that it had been almost two months since I had seen them and that is way too long!  They are both growing up so fast (Martha Ann is two years old and Wylie is six months old) and it was great to see their smiling faces as they came to the door.  Martha Ann's smiling face quickly turned to horror when Axel, the dog, ran and slammed his body into the door - but it did not take long for her to get past that traumatic moment and become his friend again.  After hanging out for a little while it was time for Christy and I to do what we love - go eat Mexican food!  So the four of us went to our neighborhood restaurant (yes I do go back there despite what happened last time) and enjoyed one of our favorite foods.  I could tell that it had been awhile since I had eaten at a restaurant with them and I was quickly reminded of how exciting it is.  We spend most of our time keeping Wylie occupied with toys instead of chewing on menus or trying to grab our utensils.  Martha Ann is busy putting chips in the salsa, trying our food, and getting ice out of my drink.  And between all of the activity, Christy and I get a few bites in when we can.  But I would not have it any other way! 

After lunch we decided to go to the park here in my neighborhood.  For some reason, we had forgotten that it was summer time and as we arrived at the playground around two o'clock in the afternoon - we quickly remembered that it was the hottest part of the day!  The equipment was too hot to play on and we were sweating and miserable within about five minutes.  So we made the hot walk home and enjoyed the nice air conditioning for the rest of the day.  At one point I noticed that my living room was a mess and Wylie was smashing crackers into my rug - but it did not even bother me.  Those who know me understand that is a big deal!  Only a niece and nephew can get away with that!  I loved every minute that they were here and I will say it again - there is nothing better than a hug from Martha Ann or a smile from Wylie!  I love being their Uncle K-K! 

So what defines a good day for me?  Starting the day off right, spending time with those that I love, chocolate, and Mexican food are definite factors to that equation.  I would say that is was a really good day today and I am looking forward to a great weekend!  Happy Friday everyone and I hope you all have a fantastic holiday weekend!  I will be taking the day off from blogging Monday so I will see you all back here on Tuesday!

Today I am grateful for:  1.  Focus time this morning  2.  Nutella - seriously people, try it!  3.  Mexican food for lunch  4.  Hanging out with Christy, Martha Ann, and Wylie  5.  The joy of being "Uncle K-K"