Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My annual trip to Shoney's...

It has been ten days since my last blog.  I do have somewhat of an excuse but I guess when it comes down to it I just slacked off on some of my disciplines.  I was out of town all last week and did a lot of driving during that time.  It was a work trip that I thought was lasting three days and it ended up being seven which was OK except that I only packed enough clothes for three.  Needless to say, I was very happy to do laundry when I got back and stop wearing the same clothes over and over again.  It was nice to get away for awhile but I did get out of my routine of writing so here's to getting back on track and getting these thoughts of mine down on paper.... well, cyber-paper.

Today would have been my dad's 60th birthday.  He passed away in 2004 and over the past few years I have tried to make his birthday a day to remember all of the good times that we shared.  There are plenty of great memories and really funny moments that help make this a good day for me and my family.  My sister, Christy, and I were just talking about growing up and the time we went through the drive-thru at McDonald's.  When the lady handed Dad our drinks, one of the extra-large drinks spilled all over Dad's lap!  We all froze because we weren't sure what would happen next.  Dad's way of cussing would be to say "Oh, foot!" and so he said it (a couple of times I think) and then went inside to get cleaned up.  Of course as soon as he walked inside we were all laughing and he came back to the car in a better mood that when he left - but I always laugh thinking about that.  Christy and I were saying that if that happened to one of us today, we probably would not have handled it as well and there might have been other words said besides "Oh, foot!" 

As in most families, birthdays were a big deal and for each of our birthdays, Dad would make a "Happy Birthday" poster complete with drawings and funny sayings.  There were plenty of surprise parties given over the years, presents, lots of cake and ice cream, and eating at our favorite restaurants.  When I think back over the years of celebrating Dad's birthday, I honestly could not tell you many of the presents we gave him but I do remember being together with friends and family and celebrating another year with my dad.  More than the presents, that is what my dad likes best about birthdays - just being together as a family.  Now I have my own tradition and way of remembering Dad on his birthday - I go to Shoney's and eat a hot fudge cake!  This was one of my dad's favorite places to eat.  Whenever we would go on vacation you could count on at least one trip to Shoney's, usually for breakfast, and Dad would make many trips to the buffet and definitely get his money's worth!  I did learn that his love for this restaurant came from his own childhood and growing up in a large family.  It was a great place to take everyone and get the most for your money - so Dad kept that going with all of us.  Well, he did for the most part - if we had a choice, we never chose Shoney's and I have to admit that even now, I am only there one day a year - but it's a great way to remember Dad and just be thankful for the time that we did have with him.  And yes, the hot fudge cake is really good :) 

My dad has played such an important part of my life and is a constant motivation to make the most of my time here.  He made such a difference in people's lives and knew the joy of focusing on what is really important.  Even though I miss him every day, today is a day to be happy and realize the  privilege I had of calling him dad. 

Today I am grateful for:  1.  A great trip out of town last week  2.  A really great Easter service on Sunday  3.  Seeing Martha Ann & Wylie yesterday  4.  Remembering Dad today  5.  Enjoying that hot fudge cake later on!    

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My name is Kevin and I love food.....

Today's blog will be different than any thus far.  One thing about myself that many people learn pretty quickly is that I love to eat and try new things!  The perfect sandwich, something spicy, or a piece of dark chocolate can really make any day better within seconds.  Recently, I became a member of the Godiva Rewards Club and every month you can go to their store and get a free piece of chocolate - it is really a life changer I must say!  I have shared my recipe for the perfect turkey sandwich before and today I thought I would share a few other food items that have made me really happy over the last week or so.

First, something simple - a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  I have always been a fan of the PB&J but have you ever tried toasting the bread?  I always like my bread toasted on other sandwiches but thanks to a recommendation I tried toasting the wheat bread on my PB&J and it has brought that sandwich to a new level - try it next time! 

Second is hamburgers - again, another favorite of many but sometimes changing it up a little turns a plain hamburger into a work of art!  If you like spicy, add some hot sauce to the meat before cooking it.  Then build the sandwich with mushrooms, pepper jack cheese, bell pepper, spinach, and blue cheese dressing.  And of course, toast the buns but next time you go to the grocery look for Sandwich Thins - it's a flat bread that is only 100 calories and comes in various kinds - I got the multi grain and they are so much better than regular hamburger buns!  It was one of the best burgers - and messy, too. 

Lastly is a recipe that my sister, Christy, shared with me who found it on another person's blog.  It is a chicken recipe and it is so good that I promise it will become a repeat in your house.  Mix together wilted spinach, mozzarella cheese, minced garlic, diced jalapenos, and cream cheese in a bowl.  Then spoon the mixture into a flattened chicken breast.  Roll the chicken and wrap two slices of bacon around it.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper and cook for 45 minutes.  It was for sure one of the best meals I have had in a long time!  When we took it out of the oven, there was a moment of silence (and a small tear coming down) just to try and savor the moment! 

So yeah, I do get excited eating delicious food, cooking new things, and trying new restaurants.  For the most part, I try and eat healthy (although the above recipes may not be the healthiest).  Look for PopChips at Target - they are very low in calories, come in different flavors, and so yummy!  I also observe Meatless Mondays and love trying new vegetarian dishes.  My weakness is definitely chocolate but everyone needs a treat every once in awhile right?  My advice would be to try new things whenever you can, look for new ways to spice up routine dishes, and support local farmer's markets too - local is always better, healthier, and just the right thing to do.  If you have any new recipes feel free to send them my way!

Today I am grateful for:  1.  All the new foods this week  2.  A few days off from work  3.  Spring time weather  4.  Starting P90X back  5.  Learning the value of trust

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Essence of Who We Are.....

We are all unique individuals and there are so many different components that make up who we are.  I love seeing how different people are, how they live, learning about different cultures, and how people view life.  Too many times we are quick to judge others who are different than us but in actuality, it is these differences that make the world a beautiful place.  I consider myself an open-minded person and have grown so much in my views, perspectives, and beliefs over the years and I know that this has played a major role in developing myself into the person I am today.  Although I am not perfect at it, I try to see life from other people's perspective and understand what experiences and views brought them to the place they are today.  Like I said, I do not always do this and some of my friends can attest to that, but I have learned that by taking the time to learn more about others - it opens my mind and heart to experience a fuller and deeper life. 

I do believe that in all of us, there is a soul and it goes beyond our skin and how our bodies are made.  It is that intangible part of us that defines the very core of our existence.  It is the part of us that at times can be unknown to others but it shapes our decisions, it decides our passions and dreams, and at the end of the day it really does define what is most important to us.  If we had to make a list of the five most important aspects of our life, it would come from the desires of our soul.  Think about those moments in life when you are the happiest and you feel very fulfilled.  It reminds you of why you are here and it helps us to stay focused on what really matters in life.... it is the essence of who we are.

This past Sunday I was reminded of that while at church.  Music has always been a big part of my life and in church, it is a way for me to express my worship to God.  As we all sang, I knew that it was not just words being sung, but a connection of the soul.  It is truly what life is all about.  Family is also a big part of my life.  There is such a strong connection in my family and I experience such joy when I am around them.  And as our family continues to grow, it just gets better and better.  When I am able to use my life to encourage someone else, when I can be a part of something bigger than myself and help another person live a better life - I know that I am fulfilling a purpose in my life that connects at the very center of who I am.  Having the opportunity to do this blog and write is also an avenue in my life that I take seriously and have such a love for and hopefully using it to make a difference.

My question to you would be - what defines the essence of who you are?  Think about those moments in life that really connect to your soul and focus on that.  It really is what life is all about and is what makes life so great!

Today I am grateful for:  1.  A deep time of worship on Sunday  2.  One of the best burgers I've had in a long time for Sunday lunch  3.  Getting more work done on the courtyard  4.  Listening to life's whispers  5.  Remembering what makes up who I really am 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Shovels, rakes, and choice words....

Yesterday was a day off for me and it ended up being a very productive day - which is always a good thing.  I was able to get some errands done that morning and then it was time to make some progress on a project I started last summer.  I live in a town home and I have a small courtyard in the back.  Whoever lived here before me simply filled it with gravel and there were a lot of weeds growing in it.  So last summer I started the task of clearing out all the gravel.  It was not the most fun job but I knew it had to be done.  My plans were to have it completed in a week and looking like a picture right out of the magazine!  Well, after a few days I got most of the gravel removed but then it turned into one of those projects that never got completed.  And as time goes on, you get used to just walking past it and saying... one of these days I need to finish this!

I am happy to say that six months later progress was made yesterday - well, some progress at least.  I recruited Jordan to help me knowing that with two of us we would get more done.  There are many times in my life that I wish I had my own reality show and let's just say that yesterday was one of them.  It would have been quite the comedy hour.  We were digging up rocks and dirt, pulling weeds, digging up roots, and filling up a trash can that now is so heavy it would take five guys to lift it!  After about ten minutes it was time for a water break.  This was a lot of work people!  As time went on, there was a lot of sweating, resting, choice words, and water breaks but we eventually got the next phase done.  If you were to look at right now, it looks horrible and somewhat worse than when we started but I can still see the finished result (in the distant future) and I know that it will look great and straight out of a magazine! 

Trying to make the most of the moment, I did see working on the courtyard as somewhat of a metaphor.  A lot of times to accomplish the goals we set for ourselves we have to really work hard.  To accomplish a big goal, you have to set smaller goals along the way.  It may not always be fun and we might say some choice words every now and then, but even when it seems like we are getting nowhere just keep the end result in mind and believe that it will happen.  Seeing it become a reality will make all the work that went into it very worth it. 

Today I am grateful for:  1.  A beautiful day yesterday  2.  Getting some work done on the courtyard (thanks Jordan for the help btw)  3.  The best video I got of Martha Ann dancing (seriously, she was breaking it down!)  4.  Trying a new restaurant last night (Mexican, which is always good)  5.  An overall really great day off

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Standing in your truth...

Over the last couple of days, there has been a theme running through my mind.  Different things that I did recently brought this theme out and I have really spent some time thinking about it and how it continues to be a source of struggle and freedom in my own life.  It is the concept of standing in your truth. 

I recently heard that phrase from Suzie Orman, the financial expert.  She said that this was her motto for the year and the advice that she would be giving to others.  Since she gives financial advice to others for a living she is somewhat looking at it from the perspective of how we handle money.  Do we decieve ourselves into living above our means or can we take an honest look at our bank account and face the truth of our debt, our income, and how we can really afford to live.  She would also say that the other side of that equation is true as well.  If we are smart with our finances, getting out of debt, and living below our means then we can also stand in our truth and experience the freedom that comes with living this way.  When it comes to money, I know that many of us can benefit from a reality check and not get caught up in the idea of living some kind of life that is outside of our financial means because the truth is - it is not really living at all. 

Standing in your truth can apply to our finances and it can definitely apply to our entire lives.  That is something that has been a work in progress for me as it is to everyone.  We spend our lives trying to figure out who we really are and what truly makes up the essence of our being.  I believe that it is something that we learn more about every day and is a continual process for each of us - but when we can be honest with ourselves and with others, there is freedom there and a chance to really make the most of our journeys.

I went and visited a new church this past Sunday.  For those of you who live in Nashville, you may have heard of Cross Point.  I had been wanting to visit for awhile and so I went with Jordan to see what it was like.  I immediately loved it and know that I will be going back.  The pastor for that day spoke on truth in relationships.  This could apply to a spouse, someone you are dating, family, or close friends.  He used the metaphor of an iceburg and how it relates to how we handle truth in our lives.  For many people, what they see is what is on our surface level.  They know us mainly from an image perspective -which is what we want others to know about us, or what we want them to think about us.  However, in order to really form a close bond with someone, you have to be willing to go beyond that and let them see what is deeper.  Just like an iceburg, what we see above the water level is good - but most of the time the largest part of an iceburg is what is underneath.  This is very true in our own lives.  He also stressed that we may not want to share our deepest secrets with everyone that comes our way - it might scare them off and every person does not need to know every thing that goes on in our lives (that would be so exhausting!).  But who are the people that we do let in?  Who really knows us inside and out?  Is it a spouse, a family member, someone we date, a best friend?  We all need someone or even more than one person like that in our lives.  It is not an easy thing to do though.  This hit home for me because I consider myself a pretty open book.  My family and friends know a lot about me - the good, bad, and ugly - but there has always been a part of me that likes to keep some things very private.  Mainly those areas of frustration in my life.  I like it when people come to me and talk about their problems or need advice on a particular topic.  To me, that means that they trust me and that possibly I have something to say that might help them.  But when it comes to my own problems or struggles I tend to stay quiet and want to figure it out on my own.  I have learned to open up more but I know there is room for improvement.  Standing in my truth means letting those closest to me into the deeper parts of my life.  As the pastor said, when we do this it really does bring about a greater intimacy and openness with that person or people in our lives.  That is also one of the purposes for this blog.  For me to share openly and honestly so that I can live in freedom and hopefully help someone else out as well. 

Last night I watched the second half of Master Class with Oprah and once again I was inspired.  One of my friends had text me saying he watched it yesterday and was blown away at what all he took away from it.  Since this idea of living fully in your own truth was in my mind already I took notice of that in last night's episode.  If we chase after dreams that do not line up with who we really are, then that is all we will be doing - constantly chasing after dreams and never seeing those become a reality.  But when we follow our heart and we invest ourselves into those things which are in sync with our very soul - then we will experience this amazing truth - that God can dream a bigger dream for us than we could ever dream for ourself.  Over my lifetime, I have been known to always be thinking of something new to do with my life, pursuing this goal and that goal, but one thing I have noticed over the last few years is this.  The ones that line up with what my life's purpose is all about are the ones that stay at the top of my list.  All the others fade away because although they may have been good things, they are not what I am truly passionate about and are meant for someone else to do.  I believe that we all want to live our best life and we all want to reach the end of our life knowing that we made a difference and had the opportunity to really live a full life.  Standing in the truth of who we really are frees us up to do just that and filters out anything that might stand in our way. 

If I could encouarge each of you reading this to do one thing over the next few days, weeks, and months - it would be to stand in your truth and really find out what it means to do so.  We can be inspired and motivated by others and I do believe that God places people in our lives for us to learn from - but I also know that discovering our truth for our own lives can only come from within.  We are all unique individuals and the purpose of my life is different than yours.  Over the last few days I was reminded that standing in our truth only comes when we are connected to the Truth - and that truth will surely set us free.

Today I am grateful for:  1.  A really great weekend hanging out with family and friends  2.  Church service on Sunday  3.  A beautiful day at the park that afternoon  4.  New people in my life  5.  Finding freedom in the Truth

Friday, April 1, 2011

Master Class...

As many of you know, Oprah has her own network now called OWN.  I, of course, watch many of the shows on there, but there is one in particular that has been so inspiring and motivating every time I watch it.  The show is called Master Class and each week, there is a different person who tells the story of their life and how they became the person they are today.  These people could be considered masters or experts in their own field.  The people chosen for this series cover a wide variety of professions and backgrounds.   Diane Sawyer, Jay Z, Maya Angelou, Lorne Michaels, Condoleeza Rice, and Simon Cowell have been on so far.  I have found every single episode to be so fascinating and it truly makes me want to live my life better.  If you get this channel, I strongly encourage you to watch any of the episodes!

This week's Master Class featured Oprah and I have been looking forward to it.  Now I know that I am a big fan of Oprah (some have said an Oprah fanatic, but I disagree) - but what I really admire about her is how she has used her life to the fullest potential to truly make an impact on the world.  To know where she came from and where she is today is truly amazing.  As I listened to her story, it made me feel that I am nowhere near my potential in life.  Whether or not you like Oprah or agree with how she lives her life, she gave some very valuable tools that I think we can all incorporate into living our own lives to the fullest.

1.  Know yourself and remember that you are here for a reason:  We are all unique individuals with unique characterisitics, talents, and abilities.  We were all designed to be different and that is a great thing!  I know that we each have something to offer and before we can truly make the most of our journeys we have to know who we are and what reason we are here on earth.  It takes time to figure out and in my own life it has taken years to really have confidence in who I am and what my purpose is here on earth.  If you are unsure of your purpose, that is the first thing to figure out because without it, we are simply wandering around aimlessly. 

2.  You are worthy:  Once that purpose is realized, then we must stand strong in knowing that we are worthy to live out the life we dream about. This does not mean that we are not humble or that we should have over-inflated egos, but many people do not follow their hearts because they believe that they are not good enough. The truth is, God created us to live out this amazing journey.  Jeremiah 29:11 is one of my favorite verses:  For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  This should help us to live a fuller, deeper life knowing that because of God, we are made worthy to receive it.  Do not consider yourself as less than.  There is only one you and your life plays such an important part in the world - many times, we make much more of a difference than we realize. 

3.  When you do your best, people notice.  Think about the times that people really noticed the work you were doing.  If you settle for mediocrity or just getting by, then no one really notices that.  People stop and take notice when you truly do you best and do it with passion.  This is true in our jobs, our relationships, our goals, and life in general.  If you are the head of a company or making french fries at a fast-food restaurant - do your best and people will notice.  To me, the exciting part is that you never really know who is noticing.  It could very well be the person who will take you to that next step in life. 

4.  Prepare for opportunity:  Oprah said that she does not believe in luck and I agree.  I believe that there is a divine plan put in place for us before we were even born.  However I also think that we have to do our part to create the life that is meant for each of us.  So if we are preparing ourselves for that dream job or preparing ourselves to be in a fulfilling relationship, or making prepartions to see a dream become a reality - then there will be a moment of opportunity that comes our way - and when it does we are not only ready to take it but we must not hesitate and seize that moment.  Life happens in the now and many times you get one chance to make a difference or one chance to take a risk - when we are prepared, we are much more confident to go after it and see what doors are opened for us. 

5.  We are more than we appear to be:  So many times, we are quick to notice people's differences.  We easily judge others who are not like us.  This is because we look on the outward appearance instead of really seeing what is inside a person.  You and I are more than simply the way we look, the color of our skin, our strengths and imperfections.  The essence of who we are is much more than what people see when they look at us.  Our best selves come out when we are living our lives in sync with what we were created to do and to be. 

When I finished watching that episode, I literally had to sit for a moment and reflect on my own life.  I mentioned before that I am never content with where I am in life - I always want to do better, to open my heart wider, to serve others more, to live out my life's purpose more deeply.  One of our greatest motivations is in seeing how other people live their lives and allow that to encourage, challenge, and push us to do more.  There are many people who do that for me and I hope that on some level, I am able to do that for others.

Today I am grateful for:  1.  Focus time this morning and remembering what God has done in my life  2.  Getting a clearer focus of how I can do more with my life  3.  Trying out a new restaurant (Urban Flatts) and loving the food  4. Seeing the best in others and allowing that to motivate me to do better  5.  Jeremiah 29:11